Subject: ITSL Newsletter - Business Tax (Amendment) Act 2020

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Business Tax (Amendment) Act 2020
Dear Friend,

We are pleased to enclose our newsletter titled "Business Tax (Amendment) Act 2020".

The Business Tax (Amendment) Act, 2020 was enacted in December 2020 and is awaiting publication of its commencement date. This legislation brings the below amendments to the Business Tax Act, 2009 (“BTA”), in order to align the definition of Permanent Establishment with international standards and to introduce new rules on which foreign source income is considered to be sourced in the Seychelles.

Should you require any other information or clarifications on the newsletter, please feel free to get in touch with your usual contact person at ITSL. Alternatively, please drop us an e-mail on
The information in this e-newsletter was prepared by Intercontinental Trust (Seychelles) Limited to provide potential clients with a broad overview of the opportunities available in Seychelles. While all reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this e-newsletter, Intercontinental Trust (Seychelles) Limited accepts no responsibility for any errors it may contain, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, or for any loss, however caused, sustained by any person that relies on it. Readers are advised to consult with appropriate, qualified professional advisors before taking action. Intercontinental Trust (Seychelles) Limited will be pleased to discuss any specific issues.

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