Subject: Cookie or no's a fortune cookie

Hello There People!

How many of you have heard about or opened Fortune Cookies? Do you remeber the excitement you felt during the few seconds that you took to open up the fortune cookie, not knowing what's the message that will unfold for you? 😄😄😄

Well, 2 days ago, 13 September, was actually National Fortune Cookie Day. Did you know that Fortune Cookies date back to the early 1900s and originated from California? Who the inventor is and from where exacftly in California still remain a mystery even today.

Every year, more than 3 billion fortune cookies are made and enjoyed worldwide. These little sugary pleasures are a popular dessert in Chinese restaurants and hide a general clairvoyant message which promises good health, luck or fortune to the recipient.

Do any one of you know where we can buy Forune Cookies in Mauritius? If yes, please write us at Imperium News and share the information 😊😊😊


The Game's on | Gravity Max

How many of you wake up on a Monday thinking "Gosh, it's Monday already!"

Well, this coming Monday is going to be different ... fun... exciting... adventurous... and so much more! 😎😎😎

Please note sports shoes are required for e-Karting and Bowling. 👟⛳🎳🎯

Andersen | MIPA Training

Andersen is organising a tax training series - Enhancing Knowledge in Taxation - in collaboration with MIPA and FSI.

The first training - Personal Taxation - will be held on Friday 22 September 2023. This module will provide a solid understanding of the principles governing personal income tax, ensuring you are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of individual tax planning and compliance.

Check out the advert below and feel free to forward to anyone whom you know might be interested.


API Mauritius Forum 2023

The API Mauritius Property Forum 2023 was held yesterday at the Ravenala Attitude Hotel.

Varounen, Shamin, Kesaven, Krystel, Vimi and Vidhisha attended the forum and had the opportunity to connect with international guest speakers, leading local developers, senior ministry officials as well as local investors, property professionals and key industry players.

Team Amethyst - Birthday and Farewell celebrations

Team Amethyst gathered for the birthdays of Karene and Nuzhah and also for the farewell of Divya.

Fun Fact

Ever wondered how much time it takes to walk from the office to Tribeca?

Team Amethyst took on the challenge heads-on and it took them approx....2000 steps (we couldn't be prouder of them! 😊) We will save your time and no need to google, it takes approx 15 minutes at regular pace. The ice cream treat was definitely a much-needed treat after!

Who's in to try this on Monday next? 😜

Little advice from Team Amythyst: take your umbrella with you and shower with SFP50 if you do not want to have a nice tan before summer actually kicks in😂


Fortune Cookie Prediction  You will spend a wonderful day with your loved ones! 😎  

  • Nichika Mohabeer

  • Sahye Jay Prakash

  • Chayashna Ballgobin

  • Oumesh Dhondoo

  • Vishal Doollee

Fortune Cookie Prediction This new start will be a bright and lucky one for you! 😊

  • Karisma Seegum joined as Assistant Administrator in team Ashive on 14th September, 2023

Fortune Cookie Prediction 

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you will be on the good track! 😊

  • Iswari Ramgoo

  • duardo Anaya Quesada leaving on 19th September, 2023

  • Ana Álvarez Rodrigo leaving on 22nd September, 2023

  • Miryam González Ibáñez leaving on 22nd September, 2023

  • Jenita Tejaswinee Sahye leaving on 22nd September, 2023


Cinema en plein air - Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

  • Ampithéatre de Telfair

  • Friday 15 September

  • 7:00 pM - 9:30 PM


  • Flying Dodo - Bagatelle

  • Saturday 16 September

  • 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Unwind your Stress 2023

  • Rabita Hall

  • Sunday 17 September

  • 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Peopleeeeeee, are you readyyyyyy to rock and roll on Monday? 😎😎😎😎😎

Our fortune cookie says that you need to have a resting weekend so you are at the peak of your energy drive on Monday...and for the rest for next week! 😊

Hasta La Vista People! 🙋‍♀️

Crazily Yours,

The Gazette Committee