Subject: Friendly Water for the World needs you on Giving Tuesday

Take part in the day of global generosity
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Dear Friend,

It's here. Giving Tuesday. The day each year when we both thank you, and also ask you to continue making our mission possible. 2020, as we all know, has been a difficult year. Much of the global community development progress of the last couple of decades has been erased this year. But we aren't starting over. In fact, our work never stopped.

In February, we trained a group of community members in Monze, Zambia to fabricate BioSand Water Filters, construct rainwater catchment tanks, and make interlocking soil stabilized bricks. A couple of months later, those newly trained people started their own project in Mungolo, building a school with our bricks where one had never existed before.

That school and teacher's house are now complete. Children are in class. And desks and supplies are on the way. Now there are other schools to build near Monze, and other rainwater catchments, microflush toilets, and maybe even rocket stoves to build with our bricks. And that work will only happen with your help.

Today we hope you will join us to continue developing a world built on generosity. We all have gifts to give and we hope you share this day with us. Our work, your work, is more important than ever.

-Will, on behalf of the whole Friendly Water for the World team