Greetings Friend,
Welcome to our summer newsletter!
This month we're going to share the monthly reports we receive from our two partners: MYDG, the Matsakha Youth Development Group, and KCDG, the Kambiri Community Development Group, both of Western Kenya in Kakamega County. These partner reports - together with financial reports, recipient reports, and Friendly Water staff reporting - provide both staff and supporters with key comparable data that monitors our outputs, outcomes and ultimately describes our theory of change.
As a recap:
>>MYDG has been building Rainwater Catchment Tanks (RCT), Interlocking Stabilized Soil Blocks (ISSB) and producing Multipurpose Liquid Soap since January 2021. KCDG has been doing the same since February 2022.
>>Between these two groups 10,300 liters of soap have been produced and sold or given away since inception leading to profits, after payroll, of almost $3000 for these community groups.
>>Over forty-thousand ISSB bricks have also been made (with 20,000 more underway in August/ September). Our brick costs 25¢ to make, 1,100 build an RCT, 450 build a composting latrine, 14,000 build the walls for a 30m x 10m school.
>>Twenty- 25,000 liter RCTs have been installed at local schools since October of 2021. That's 500,000 liters of water security in an increasingly arid area. Together, with our partner teams, we are preparing to produce an additional 20 RCT before the close of 2022 creating 1,000,000 liters of water storage in just over a year.
Their reports are below.
After that, we have two pieces from our management team in Kenya.
The first introduces the reader to the Marigoli Hills in Vihiga County, where we have been invited to the community of Kerongo to explore creating a multi-year partnership.
The second piece illustrates the beginning of our partnership process. The critical Community Survey has canvassed over 120 individuals representing a fair cross-section (7%) of the local population. From this survey and lots more input from the community, we will begin to develop plans for our week-long keystone Community Engagement process slated for this fall.
If you have any questions or thoughts or just want to say hello, please contact us at: