Subject: Boiling water saves lives. How you boil that water saves even more lives. Chat with us this Friday to learn more.

And watch our last Chat to hear our supporters share stories from around the world
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Here is a little known fact: smoke from cooking fires kills more people worldwide each year than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. And it is a leading cause of blindness and respiratory disease. How can we help? Well, we have a field-made rocket stove that burns so hot that it attains almost complete combustion - smoke and pollutants are consumed in the fire. And we are learning how to implement it and other designs by studying cooking habits and customs from around the world.

friendly water for the world team

This Friday, July 31st at noon, learn how improving a cooktop can save forests, reduce burns, and accelerate cooking. That and we’ll share other timely program updates.

To attend the Chat, please register here:


Watch our last Chat.

A big thanks to Kathy and Wayne Beckwith, Paul Whitney, David Willis, Mary Lou White and Lance Deibler. They took us on a journey around the world; from Kenya to Bolivia, India, and Mongolia. If you’re curious about how you travel to the remote places where we work, what it's like to walk alongside our communities, how a training takes place in the field, or the impact it can have on you lending a hand to people around the world, you'll want to watch this Chat. Our supporters volunteered their time and their memories of the life-changing travels they’ve made to support people and communities most in need.

girl with a brick

If you would like to view the Chat, you can watch it or any of our videos on our Youtube channel here:

Watch on Youtube

And you can view or register for any of our upcoming events here:

Friendly Events

Our work continues. From organizing these Chats to preparing for future projects. We can't do that without you. Sustaining monthly donations help us keep the lights on and enable us to plan for the future. You can make a monthly pledge below. We appreciate your generosity now more than ever.

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe.

- Will, and the entire team at Friendly Water for the World