Subject: Our Outreach Giveaway Starts Now!
Our Outreach Giveaway Starts Now!
August 31st, 2009 at 3:57 pm EDTDear Friend,The Elliot Institute's biggest pro-woman/pro-life Outreach Giveaway is now live!Go to now to learn more.Then come back to this email and forward it to your friends, family, co-workers ...
Big Week for Elliot Institute Outreach Giveaway
August 30th, 2009 at 10:17 am EDTDear Friend,If you've been reading our emails, you know that we are beginning a big education and outreach campaign this week.We pray you will participate.This includes a giveaway of resources that our supporters have identified as among th ...
Outreach Partners: Outreach Begins Monday!
August 29th, 2009 at 3:50 pm EDTDear Friend,Thank you for signing up to help us with our Outreach Giveaway!As you've seen, the actual launch of the five-day campaign beings on Monday.Before I explain what we are asking you to do, please spare me a moment to explain why.As ...
Making A Huge Dent in Abortion Rates
August 29th, 2009 at 2:27 pm EDTDear Friend,As many as 64 percent of women who had abortions report that they were pressured to do so by other people.In some case, this pressure becomes violent coercion.No woman deserves to be pushed, pressured or forced to abort, and we ...
Only Four More Days ...
August 27th, 2009 at 12:46 pm EDTOnly 4 More Days ... To the launch of our Outreach Campaign! Be sure to watch your email for upcoming announcements and updates!
We're Just Days Away From the Launch of Our Outreach Campaign!
August 21st, 2009 at 1:33 pm EDTHi Friend, We are just days away from the launch of our new Outreach Campaign to reach many more people with the truth about abortion's harm to women and a roadmap to stopping the assault on unborn children and their mothers, fathers and fam ...
Get Free and Low-Cost Resources for Fairs and Fall Events
August 15th, 2009 at 12:06 pm EDTThe UnLetterAn update on our user-friendly family of ads, resources, ideas, information, education & outreach based on new research that changes conventional wisdom about abortion ... The UnChoice. The UnChoice: (thē un´-chois) noun ...
You Can Help Us Spread The Word With Our New Outreach Campaign
August 6th, 2009 at 5:03 pm EDTHi Friend, It's just a short time now before we launch our new outreach campaign this month, and we are very excited! If our work is important to you, would you please consider signing up as one of our Outreach Partners? (If you have alre ...
You Can Help Us Spread The Word With Our New Outreach Campaign
August 6th, 2009 at 5:03 pm EDTHi Friend, It's just a short time now before we launch our new outreach campaign this month, and we are very excited! If our work is important to you, would you please consider signing up as one of our Outreach Partners? (If you have alre ...
Women Having Repeat Abortions More Likely to Be Abused (Elliot Institute News Vol. 8, No. 9)
August 5th, 2009 at 2:53 pm EDTThe Elliot Institute News From the Leader in Post-Abortion ResearchVol. 8, No. 9 -- July 28, 2009 Visit Us Online: The UnChoice Campaign: Read Back Issues of This E-Newsletter IN THIS ...