Subject: What to Share at the State Fair (Besides Funnel Cake!)


The  letter

An update on The UnChoice campaign and educational materials from
the Elliot Institute, including evidence that most abortions are unwanted
or coerced and about other human rights abuses and risks that endanger
the rights and lives of both the unborn and women. Abortion is ...

 The UnChoice 



(the unchoice) n. definition)

Most abortions are unwanted or coerced. Many are forced.


Women and girls are at risk of unwanted, coerced or forced abortions.

Homicide is the #1 killer of pregnant women.

Women also face post-abortion harm, heartbreak and higher death rates ...
mothers are dying, too.


From unwanted abortions to forbidden grief,
this is a human rights abuse
that endangers
both women and unborn children.

help & healing
Authentic choices
for those facing
a challenging pregnancy; hope
and healing for
those already
hurt by abortion.

imageIn this Issue:

Share at State and County Fairs:
This Could Be the Best Thing Since the Butter Cow!

You Never Know Who's Listening

10 Fair-Friendly Flyers

 Post Cards or Business-Card-Sized Messages
Formatted for Avery-Brand Card Templates

T-Shirts, Buttons, Bumper Stickers and Signs


 Share at the Fair  


An education is being able to differentiate
between what you do know and what you don't.
–Antole France


Reach those who don't know what they don't know.

imageThis year, you can share a lot more than cotton candy at the state fair! Reserving a booth at state, county or local fairs, or other summer and fall festivals gives you the power to change lives, hearts, souls and the culture ... all while enjoying an icy lemonade, sno-cone or funnel cake.

Reach fair-goers with important information they don't know and won't know unless you tell them.

Many still assume abortion is about "choice." They don't know that women have been evicted, beaten, blackmailed, fired or even killed for resisting abortion. They don't know that unwanted or coerced abortions are common. In addition to these and other important issues, the public hasn't been told about the long list of physical and psychological risks.

The long list of risks is often enough to deter those who consider or push abortion on those they may think they're helping.

You never know who's listening!

imageThe fair is a great place to educate the public about unwanted abortions and other harm. You can save lives, heal individuals and families already hurt, prevent further heartbreak, and renew a weary culture that often tunes out the  abortion debate.

That's a lot to accomplish between spins on the Ferris wheel, close encounters with blue-ribbon livestock, or taking your shot at winning that giant stuffed Panda on the Midway!

Our friends and neighbors need to know that unborn children and women of all ages and from all walks of life–including their own loved ones–are at risk. You'll reach, save and transform more lives, hearts and minds than you know!




Give Fair-Goers Something Else to Take Home


Sure, people are probably thinking about riding their favorite ride, food-on-a-stick, or winning that elusive stuffed animal. But, they'll also appreciate learning something new and taking home something with far more  staying power than the imageaverage plastic toy or stuffed animal. 

Or, if you want a fun way to draw people to your booth while growing your contact list, too, have a drawing and give away your own stuffed animal. Or, ask them to take our Pop Quiz and draw winners from the top scores.
10 Fast-Track Resources to Share


Ready to meet and greet?


We have some good "conversation-starters!"


We've condensed over 20 years' work into  many convenient resources based on academic research and the insights of experts in pregnancy- and abortion-related issues. Here are 10 good introductory pieces. Choose one or a few that work best for you:

  1. What Every American Needs to Know (postcard or flyer)

  2. Portraits of Coercion (flyer)

  3. Forced Abortion in America fact sheet

  4. Forced Abortion in America Special Report (22 pages, front-and-back of 11x17 paper, or send the file to a quick-print shop and have them print, collate and bind copies.)

  5. Top 10 Reasons It's The UnChoice (fact sheet)

  6. Psychological Risks (Short or long-form with citations)

  7. Physical Risks (Short or long-form with citations)

  8. Hard Cases: New Facts. Compassionate Answers. (booklet)

  9. Research Booklet. (Summarizes key research from the Elliot Institute and others.)

  10. Healing Ads, Flyers or Message Cards. (Good to have on hand for those already hurt or who know someone in need of healing.) Or, have a "Take One" basket of healing business-card size message cards for people to pick up.

We also have other The UnChoice Ads and resources that you can use at fairs or any time, year-round. 



Postcards or Business-Card Messages Sized for Templates

image  For your convenience, some of our materials can also be printed on standard office-supply templates for business cards or postcards. This includes many of our business cards/ads, the What Every American Needs to Know Postcard and The UnChoice Definition.

Or, as mentioned above, hand out our healing message cards, or put them in a "Take One" basket. You can print them out using your own home/business computer with templates from Avery or other popular brands sold at office supply stores. Or you can take them to a printer.





T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers & signs

Double your impact! Wear or carry a holistic pro-woman/pro-life message. We have many creative things you can wear and share to get people thinking and talking from a fresh perspective.




The UnChoice button is another good conversation-starter to tell them that most abortions are unwanted or coerced and that coercion comes from all sides and can escalate to violence or even homicide. See more "The UnChoice" products here.


A play on the pop-culture "I heart" concept, the broken-heart message (Abortion Hurts Women) helps fence-sitters reconsider their "pro-woman" ambivalence about this issue.
See more "heart icon" products here. 


There are many more resources - including free fact sheets and flyers - all based on academic research and the expertise of those who specialize in these issues.

You are welcome to use and share our
research-based ads, fact sheets, booklets and flyers free of charge, but please keep in mind that we need your support to help this work continue. If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, click here or call 1-888-412-2676.

Thank you for your participation in this important outreach!




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