The UnLetter - New Resource Alert
A Cold Shoulder Where a Helping Hand Should Have Been Listen to the 2nd of 4 Powerful New 30-Second Radio Spots
Here is the second of four new 30-second radio ads -- another powerful new tool for your evidence-based, pro-woman/pro-life marketing toolbox.
The shorter, faster, budget-friendly 30-second radio ads are a handy alternative to our more in-depth 60-second radio spots. The :30s are a great way to introduce The UnChoice message to the public who haven't heard evidence that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, plus evidence of post-abortion harm and heartbreak. Listen to the Second of Four :30 "The UnChoice" Radio Ads
This radio ad is based on true stories of coercion, like that of a woman who reported that she was turned away from a homeless shelter and then driven by shelter staff first to an ATM and then to an abortion clinic before the shelter would give her a place to stay. "Coerced" radio spot #2
See our supporting "cardboard box" print ad for the print version of this story.
Click here to learn more about ways to use this and other ads.
The poignant and more in-depth 60-second radio ads are still available, too. Watch your email for more featured radio spots. Then use them, share them, learn more about radio ads and media, or incorporate these ads into an effective "big picture" campaign. (Learn more about The UnChoice ads & campaigns here and in Ads 101.)
Reminder: Please Support Our Work if You Can
I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is not hurt, but only more love." - Mother Teresa
Due to the power and urgency of new academic research we are making these and other evidence-based materials available free of charge. We want to reach as many people and save as many lives as possible, while securing authentic rights in the short-term and long-run, too.
Please partner with the Elliot Institute to help babies, moms and families and to end abortion with compassion sooner rather than later. If you support our work, please donate if you can. Even a small amount helps!
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