Thank You!
A Priceless Mother's Day Bouquet Hundreds of Participants, Countless Lives Touched
Comments Received, Feedback Welcome
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Thank You! For the Mother's Day Bouquet
On Facebook, Twitter and beyond, many individuals, groups and even businesses participated in our Mother's Day Outreach by sharing our ads, flyers, cards, bookmarks and other inspirational and educational materials.
This concerted effort extended compassion to many women and families who suffered pregnancy- or abortion-related loss. It also educated and motivated others about abortion's human rights abuse, heartbreak and harm to both the unborn and mothers.
There are excerpts from early feedback we received below. Your feedback is also welcome, including any responses you received as a result of participating.
Send your comments to:
Also, please remember that you can use our other healing & educational ads and materials anytime, year-round.
"This is a great idea and thank you for the time spent for this event! Bless ings!
"I shared this with all the pro-life leaders in my community and we will also be putting the flyer in our church bulletins. Thank you!" "What an awesome idea. We own a Catholic Bookstore and are making copies of poster and bookmark to pass out to customers. Everyone should ask their local Catholic and Christian bookstores to pass them out. It's a "local" event that everyone in the country can participate!! This must have been inspired by the holy Spirit."
"I will use some of the ads by emailing them to friends."
"Even though I'm homebound, I promise to pray!"
Thank you for your participation in this important outreach!
If you missed this event, there are more opportunities in the months ahead for you to take part in similar events, including a Father's Day Ad and Outreach. That is a great time to encourage your civic groups, men's groups, youth groups and other organizations to get involved. You can also share our men's page link on the co-op version of the ad.
Check our on-line calendar anytime for events and ideas.