Several upcoming events present timely opportunities to extend compassion while also educating and challenging leaders to speak up about how abortion abuses and endangers the rights and lives of both the unborn and women.
You'll find small ads, big ads, co-op ads (with a place for local messages), small cards, flyers and more, in black-and-white or color.
National Pro-Life T-shirt Week: April 27-May 3 - Wear a multi-tasking message! Most people don't know that mo st abortions are unwanted or coerced, and that many are forced. (Yes, in America.)
Most people also haven't heard about these and other abuses that endanger both the unborn & mothers. They are the norm, not the exception. On April 27th and beyond, wear a prolife/prowoman T-shirt, hat or buttons. Get bumper stickers, too, to multiply your impact.
Mother's Day - It's just around the corner! Print, publish, share or post any of our healing ads, bookmarks, message cards, flyers and postcards, each featuring a rose ... broken, yet restored ... to represent hope & healing while also educating the public. (See the message shop for Mother's Day gift ideas, too!)
Memorial Day - This is yet another bittersweet day for many families facing pregnancy- or abortion-related loss. It's a good time to share our healing ads and resources, or give a book to a civic, church or school library in memory of a loved one.
National Day of Prayer - May 6. On this non-denominational day of prayer for America and its leadership in all sectors of society, including government, church and families, please include and share these prayer intentions.
Father's Day - Our Father's day ad sends a message to men directly or indirectly affected by abortion. If you're in a men's group, share this ad as a flyer. Use the co-op verion of this ad and include a link to our men's page or resources for men in your community. See our message shop for Father's Day gift ideas, too, including a wood tile box into which you can insert personal notes, quotes or keepsakes to make it even more meaningful.
Graduation, Schools, Youth Groups, Parents ... or Anytime - School projects, teen graduations, Father's Day, Mother's Day, and other special occasions are a good time to remind youth and parents of this message as they seek civic projects and new paths in life or as a reminder that they or their friends may be at risk.
Use our educational ads/flyers -- including the co-op versions listed on the page -- to challenge compassionate groups and leaders to join you in reaching out on this issue. (See our message shop for graduation gift ideas, too, including our blessing ornament or tile box.)
Year-round - Use our free resources and check our message shop, too, for new or timely message apparel, signs, stickers, mugs, hats and more, or "blessing" keepsake boxes, tile boxes and ornaments you can use to encourage a mother, father or friend hurt by abortion (see our healing journal, too, shown here) or to raise awareness about this issue.
PR Calendar - Timing really magnifies your impact! Check our events calendar of dates and national events for a timely outreach. Check our PR & Advocacy section for tools and tips for media coverage and faster change by encouraging political, media, civic and religious leaders to address these urgent issues. Plan even further ahead for maximum impact!
Run this Billboard in May for Forgotten Mothers and Mother's Day
During this month when we think about mothers and the rebirth and renewal of springtime, you may want to run the rose billboard shown here.
But hurry, this project takes some time!
You'll encourage those already hurt while educating others at risk plus the general public about "new facts. new hope." The board directs them to to learn more, find help or get involved.
And, As Always, Help if You Can ... We are documenting abortion's impact and educating leaders, policymakers and the public for many practical and urgent reasons.
For example, recent legislation protecting the unborn and the rights of women and holding abortion businesses accountable for negligent counseling passed in Nebraska. We pray that other states will follow and abortion's injustice and risk to both will end sooner rather than later.
You are welcome to use these educational materials free of charge, but if you can make a contribution, however small, it helps. We need your support for this important work to continue.
God bless you for using, sharing and supporting our work!