Spread A Message of Hope and
Elliot Institute
Publication Educates, Touches Lives
"If your paper would have been available to me in college,
I would never have had an abortion." –Nancy
As summer draws to a close, high school and
college students across the country are returning to school. In
addition to juggling classes, sports, social events and the other activities, many will be struggling with other serious issues - how
to deal with an unplanned pregnancy, how to avoid an unwanted abortion, how to
cope with the grief of a past abortion they cannot forget.
Like Nancy, these young people will be looking
for answers. How
can I tell my parents I'm pregnant? How can
I have a baby when the counselor says I won't be able to finish school ... my
boyfriend will
leave me ... my parents will kick me out ... I have no
money or
resources and don't know anyone who will help? Why am I so sad, depressed and
angry after the counselor insisted everything would be okay after abortion? Am I
crazy because no one else seems to feel
this way? Why didn't anyone tell me it would be like this?
Surveys of women who have had abortions found that most feel pressured to
abort by others, and many would have carried to term under better circumstances
or with real support from others. Most report feeling uncertain about abortion,
yet receive no counseling or inadequate, inaccurate or deceptive information.
Study after study has found that rates of suicide, depression, substance abuse
and other serious problems increase drastically among women who have had
abortions. Teens are especially vulnerable to being pressured or coerced into
unwanted abortions and to having difficulty coping afterwards. Yet
post-abortion trauma is routinely dismissed by "experts" and those struggling
after abortion are told to forget about what happened.
Warn Students and Parents of the Risks, Encourage Hope and Healing
Young people - and their parents - are in
serious need of education about abortion risks and to have the pain, trauma, and
injustice of abortion exposed and acknowledged.
Hope and Healing,
the Elliot Institute's 12-page newspaper insert on abortion issues and healing,
is the perfect tool to convey the truth about abortion and let those suffering
afterwards know they are not alone. This publication will:
reduce the abortion rate by discouraging the notion
that abortion is a good solution to a crisis
reduce the rate of unwanted abortions by helping
those who would pressure women into abortion "for
their own good" understand the long-term negative
effects abortion will have on their loved ones,
help foster post-abortion healing by letting those
struggling with a past-abortion know they are not
alone and encourage them to seek help through a
post-abortion ministry,
raise awareness of pregnancy- and abortion-related
injustice, post-abortion trauma and the need
for healing,
help readers respond in an empathetic and
understanding way to their loved ones who have
experienced abortion, and
communicate the pro-life community's pro-woman outreach and
Hope and Healing includes informative Q&As on abortion's impact,
compelling personal testimonies, and information on how to find help after
Preview the Professionally Developed Text and Layout!
You can read the text and view the beautiful full-color layout by clicking
Places to Distribute Hope and Healing
Hope and Healing is ideal for running as a paid insert in your local
college, community, or local newspaper (more on this below). College pro-life,
Christian and conservative groups can distribute copies at their school's
organizational fair or other events, and community and church groups can
distribute them at local fairs and festivals. Keep copies in the literature rack
at your church. If you have a waiting room at your place of business (a doctor's
office, salon, laundromat, etc.) put out copies for visitors to browse through.
Pricing and Ordering Information
We strive to make
Hope and Healing
available at the lowest cost possible so that more people can access this
wonderful resource. A packet of 50 inserts is available for only $20
(U.S. shipping included), and we also offer very low
prices for bulk orders. Click
here for a price
list or call 1-888-412-2676 to place an order or for
information on pricing for more than 1,000 copies.
If you are interested in running
Hope and Healing as a newspaper insert, you can contact churches, pro-life groups, crisis pregnancy
centers, and other like-minded organizations and ask
them to co-sponsor the insert with you. If there is a Catholic or Christian
hospital in your area, they can draw on advertising and public education funds
to distribute Hope and Healing as a mental health resource in the community.
You can also seek grants from
regional foundations that support public health education. Sample grant
proposals are posted on our web site at
To place an order or for
more information, call 1-888-412-2676 or send an
email to amy@afterabortion.info.
Hope and Healing has touched and changed many
lives. With your help, it will touch more.

Other Ways to Foster Healing, Visit:
Run these encouraging,
awareness-raising ads in newspaper classifieds, civic or church publications and
bulletins, or print the bookmarks and business cards to hand out at fairs and
special events or leave behind at offices, churches, and elsewhere.
Find out more about Elliot Institute books and resources at
To place an order, call 1-888-412-2676.
DONATIONS to the Elliot Institute can be made here

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