Elliot Institute Special Report
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
June 11, 2007
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Reversing the Gender Gap
The Essential Guide for Pro-Life Candidates
Editor's Note: Over the next several weeks, we will be publishing our guide
for pro-life candidates, Reversing the Gender Gap, in installments.
Please share this material with any pro-life candidates you know who are running
for office, or who are already in office. You can encourage them
to sign up for our e-newsletter so they can receive these installments
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What You Must Know to Reverse the Gender Gap
At least one of every four women voters has had an abortion. For most, this is
an ugly, painful memory. They've been there, done that, and hated it.
They know, first-hand, that the abortion industry has failed women.
This is why, contrary to
popular misconceptions, the vast majority of women who have had abortions don't support
the radical agenda of pro-abortion special interest groups. Instead, most would
be glad to see abortion go away - but only if it can be done in a way that helps
women. (Remember, they've been there. And they are deeply concerned about other women who face the same problems and pressures.)
Even more important, you
must understand at least a few basic facts about post-abortion
psychology. Since the Elliot Institute is the leading source of research and
outreach materials on post-abortion issues, we can help you.
Here is perhaps the most
important point to keep in mind:
Many women and men who
have been involved in abortions believe that pro-lifers are ready to judge and
condemn them. Therefore, the most important message you need to convey to them
is that you truly do understand, accept, and care about them, their experiences,
and the circumstances leading to their abortions.
On the other hand, if you fail to
convey this message, those who have been involved in an abortion, especially
women, are more likely to lean toward the "pro-choice" candidate. Why? Because they
hear in the "I'm pro-choice" rhetoric, "I don't judge you, but my opponent
That, in a nutshell, is the real source and cause of the gender gap.
All other variables
being the same, post-abortive women are more sensitive to the abortion issue
than are post-abortive men. They are less likely to vote for a pro-life
candidate because pro-life politicians have traditionally failed to address
the concerns of those who have had abortions and have allowed themselves to be
portrayed as judgmental.
In this booklet, you will learn not only how to neutralize the issues that have
created the gender gap, but also how to connect on a strong emotional level with
the real concerns of post-abortive women. If you follow this strategy, you, the
pro-woman/pro-life candidate, will become the much preferred choice over your
"pro-choice" opponent.
If you follow this
approach, there is no need for a political trade-off.
This approach will not
lose your support from pro-life voters. It will actually strengthen it.
It will also strengthen
your support from people who are fence-sitters on the abortion issue. They
waffle between concern about the morality of abortion and a desire to help women
facing difficult or seemingly impossible circumstances. They too will appreciate the morally sound, sensitive, and
women-serving position you will be taking because this position clearly puts you
on the double high ground-on the side of both unborn children and women.
There is one more
advantage to this approach: you will no longer feel
defensive when the abortion issue comes up.
Instead, your
compassionate, common-sense approach to the abortion controversy will reveal
that you are the one who truly cares about women, both before and after they
have had abortions. Your opponent, by contrast, will be exposed as being less
concerned about protecting women from coerced or dangerous abortions than he or
she is about protecting the abortion industry's profits.
Bottom line: You are about to learn an approach to the abortion issue that makes
far more attractive to voters - regardless of how often or in what circumstances
they believe abortion should be legal or not.
This new pro-woman/pro-life position will be of such strong appeal to voters,
that it will become one of your favorite issues to address rather than the one
you dread. At the same time, as you are able to boldly, confidently, and
compassionately address the real concerns of post-abortive women, your opponent
will be left sounding evasive, insensitive, or confused.
In our next installment,
we will look at how how polling data and human psychology confirm that this approach is the
best way to align public sentiments around your pro-woman/pro-life message.
Hard copies of Reversing the Gender Gap are available from the Elliot
Institute for $5.00 each (bulk pricing is available).
Find out more about other Elliot Institute books and resources at
To place an order, call 1-888-412-2676.
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