Dear Friends,
New research
changes old stereotypes about "choice."
We've woven it into our family of
ads and
educational materials. Shocking new information
that derails
prevailing stereotypes about "choice." Popular
"choice" rhetoric cleverly conceals the "non-choice" reality: Widespread
coerced, unwanted abortions and subsequent serious health complications,
grief, trauma ... even suicide.
Our newest ads
and user-friendly
educational materials include newest studies about
Most abortions involve coercion of one sort or another.
Women face significant pressure "from all sides" ...
denial of essential support ... and deceptive information presented as fact. Abortion's
legacy of injustice still goes on today, as poignantly illustrated in
Portraits of Coercion flyer, the Forced
Abortion in America Special Report and the
Teens at
Risk fact sheet.
would be shocked if they knew about the rampant unjust non-choice
realities of abortion!
Some of the most recent research -- included in our
Top 10 Reasons Abortion is the UnChoice flyer and
Booklet -- details information that derails stereotypes about
the majority of women felt rushed and uncertain before their abortion
and ...
64% felt pressured by others, yet ...
an astounding 67% received no
counseling beforehand!
79% were not even counseled about
One heartbreaking study of women who
sought counseling after abortion found that 83% would have had their
child if they'd had support
In what other sector of society would we
call this "health care" or even "choice"?!
This is not medicine, it is malpractice.
This is not "equal rights," it is
This is not something any justice-minded
American citizen can ignore.
Visit to see
our unchoice ad campaign and
other myth-shattering
The Elliot Institute continues to research abortion's injustice and
injury to women and everyone involved ... to educate Americans about our
findings ... and to tell those blindsided and broken by abortion that
healing is possible.

Our family of recently updated
materials brings
you the
latest academic
research, surveys and expert insights in a form that is
convenient for user-friendly reference and mass-distribution.
But, like so many non-profit ministries, we operate on a shoestring
budget. We desperately need your help to ...
forward these materials to your
own circle of leaders, activists, candidates, editors, reporters and
friends. ...
run radio
or TV
ads locally as paid ads or free Public Service Announcements, or
donate to support urgent
research, education and outreach.
If Americans knew about
coerced abortions and post-abortion risks, they would stop tolerating
abortion or even pressuring friends and family to abort! Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies of this deadly epidemic is that
the majority of women who had abortions said they would have had their
baby if they'd had support. Many were told by family, friends,
professional social workers, educators and even trusted pastors that no
personal or practical help was available.
Even "pro-choice" parents don't realize that their daughters and others
they love are at risk of coercion and post-abortion complications,
trauma and suicide ... aggravated by today's often-hostile political
debate. (See Teens
at Risk fact sheet and
Psychological Risks and
Physical Risks.) FInally, few pro-lifers -- including political candidates -- realize
there is a compassionate prowoman/prolife answer to the divisive "Hard
Cases" issue. Find the only fair answer in the
Hard Cases: New
Facts. New Answers booklet for a unifying, compassionate answer to
10 easy ways to save someone's
life today
to learn more about abortion's injustice to women
Top 10 Reasons Abortion Is the UnChoice to compassionate
friends, leaders (including political campaign offices!)
Use and support the myth-busting
ad campaign.
Display FREE
12 Ways to Help
Low-Cost/No-Cost Ways to Use these materials.
Forward the
Portraits of Coercion flyer to leaders, friends, share at
meetings, etc.
Distribute UnChoice
fact sheets,
flyers and
at events, fairs, churches, civic/health/women's conventions,
ads in small,
local publications (read
Media 101 -- 5
Tips) and radio
and TV ads (some
stations will run them free of charge) in your local media
Wear it and share it! Visit\merchandise.htm T-shirts, bumper stickers,
gift ideas, more ... watch for new unchoice additions.
Join our list! Sign up for our
e-newsletter for the latest news, research and more from the
Elliot Institute, a national leader in post-abortion research,
education and outreach.
If you have questions or would like further information about this
campaign, please call 217-525-8202 or email
to support the Elliot Institute's post-abortion
research, education and outreach can be made here

Encourage Others to Join Our List, here.
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