The UnLetter: Resource Update
News from The UnChoice Campaign: An evidence-based education and outreach project from the Elliot Institute to raise awareness that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, plus post-abortion issues. Abortion endangers the rights and lives of both the unborn and women.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
If you or people you know are going to this year's March for Life or other events surrounding the Roe v. Wade anniversary,take along things that challenge the public with new evidence that shakes the very foundation upon which this unfortunate decision was based.
Shake up what Americans think they know about abortion!
In addition to the essential work of defending the unborn child's right to life, this anniversary is a good time to educate Americans with evidence that defies what they "know" about abortion.
Check below for evidence-based resources from the Elliot Institute to help you tell the American public and Congress that:
Abortion abuses and endangers the fundamental rights and lives of both the unborn and women.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Things to hand out, post and share. Things for you (or your car) to wear. Things to remember when you say a prayer.
Hand out flyers, postcards and "unbuttons" or stickers as conversation-starters. Each has web address printed on it, plus the message that most abortions are unwanted or coerced.
The buttons and stickers are a quick way to tell new friends where they can find facts and learn more about this issue. You can also put a bumper sticker on your car to educate people on the go.
Share these materials with individuals and groups. Post, share or distribute something in local churches, schools, libraries or civic and other venues, too.
Choose from this list:
- "39 Years Too Long" Handout, Ad or Poster -- download
- What Every American Needs to Know - postcard, flyer, etc.
- Co-op Ad or Flyer -- "39 Years" co-op version features a boxed area where you can add your own logo or information
- Bookmarks, business cards and postcard handouts - download
- Clip Art -- Small ads for bulletins, newsletters and other publications
- Help & Healing Booklets - Downloadable booklets about how to find or offer help before or after abortion
- Rally Signs, Buttons, Bumper Stickers, Apparel -- "The UnChoice" and "Abortion Hurts Women" pro-woman/pro-life apparel, rally signs, bumper stickers, buttons, stickers, hats, tote bags, etc., in the Message Shop.
More tools to supplement your outreach
We must use time creatively. -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Time and timing matter. Here are a few more timely tools you may want to use this month or later to supplement and multiply the impact of your outreach. Combine one or a few to amplify your voice and the voice of those for whom you advocate today and for years to come. It matters more than you know!
Letters to the Editor -- Use our sample letters as a guide. Events/Planning Calendar -- Timely events, supporting resources Sample Press Release -- Tell local media about your ad, event or outreach.
Last but not least
To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing. -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pro-woman/pro-life prayers to use and share.
news * books * donate * Twitter * Facebook * * bumper stickers, apparel, etc. unwanted abortions * unsafe * suicide risk * teens help & healing * * Church Awareness Project Center Against Forced Abortions *
