Church Awareness Project
Dear Friends,
We've been so excited that so many people are downloading our Church Awareness Project resources to share in their churches and communities. Spreading information about abortions, including widespread coerced and unwanted abortions; the devastating physical and psychological trauma of abortion and the need for healing is so important -- and it is beginning to take hold in the conversations people are having about abortion.
Maybe that's why the abortion industry and abortion advocates push back so hard at the idea that any woman might be undergoing an abortion she doesn't want.
One woman found this out when she tried to share her story of being coerced to abort before a state legislature. Instead of being allowed to speak, she was told that her personal story wasn't relevant to the bill and that she could only talk about "family planning and health care."
"When you are scared to death in a crisis pregnancy and told that you have one option, that is not family planning," she responded. "That is coerced abortion. ... Performing abortions is not women's health care.
“The bottom line is that, before the abortion, I was pushed, silenced and coerced. “Now I am being pushed, silenced and coerced into shutting up again. I was silenced already and have lived with the pain for 35 years. I won’t be silent about it anymore."
Read her whole story here. And please help end the silence by sharing resources on coerced and unwanted abortions with others!
Elliot Institute Resources on Coerced and Forced Abortions Here are several Elliot Institute resources on unwanted, coerced and forced abortions that let people know that this issue isn't limited to "other countries" like China.
Forced Abortion in America Special Report Forced Abortion Fact Sheet Only Forced Abortion Flyer Portraits of Coercion Handout More information on unwanted, coerced and forced abortions
Report on Abortion, Coercion and Abuse Here's a resource that you don't want to miss, from the group Feminists for Nonviolent Choices. They compiled research from the Elliot Institute and various medical journals and news sources to produce an in-depth report on the connection between abortion, coercion and abuse.
Feminists for Non Violent Choices Report on Coerced Abortion
Information on the Center Against Forced Abortions The Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA), a project of the Justice Foundation, provides legal help to pregnant mothers and helps them exercise their right to continue the pregnancy. CAFA provides legal assistance and training for pregnancy centers and other ministries, and documents to help enforce the rights of the mother to have her child.
Center Against Forced Abortions Video
About the Church Awareness Project Help your church break the silence on abortion and become a place of support, advocacy and healing for those at risk of or hurting after abortion. Join the Church Awareness Project to help educate your pastor and church leaders and encourage them to teach and preach on these issues.
Church Awareness Project Resources Join the Church Awareness Project (and get a free pdf copy of The Jericho Plan) Letter to Pastors and Other Church Leaders Complete List of Church Awareness Project Resources Church Awareness Project Activities and Ideas
Finding Help Pregnancy Help and Resources Pregnancy Help Worldwide Center Against Forced Abortions Help & Healing After Abortion Help After Abortion Worldwide
Support the Church Awareness Project Make a donation to help support the Elliot Institute's research, education and outreach project, including projects like this one. For a donation of $20 or more, we will send you two paperback copies of The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing, by Elliot Institute Director Dr. David Reardon. Keep one copy for yourself and donate the other to your pastor, church library or other ministry. |