The UnLetter: Resource Update
News from The UnChoice Campaign: An evidence-based education and outreach project from the Elliot Institute to raise awareness about unwanted abortions and post-abortion issues. From coercion to aftereffects, abortion is an assault on the fundamental rights and lives of both the unborn and women. Learn more at:
Americans Still Don't Know: Most Abortions Are Unwanted or Coerced.
Share this Debate-Shifting, Door-Opening Pro-Woman/Pro-Life Signature or Non-Signature Ad or Flyer Next Month
January marks another unfortunate Roe v. Wade anniversary. Since then, millions of babies have been killed and mothers, too - before, during or after abortion.
In January, pro-lifers will once again gather, speak out and pray for an end to abortion. This is also a good time to remind the general public of the mothers exploited or killed, too.
Flyers or Ads for Next Month's Pro-Life Events, Or Plan Ahead for Oct. 2012 or Jan. 2013
It's not too late to run ads or share flyers with a holistic and evidence-based pro-woman/pro-life message next month. It's not too early to start planning for pro-life events next October or in January of 2013.
The Elliot Institute is offering timely resources to educate the public about shocking new evidence. This will change the debate, open doors and encourage help, hope and healing for those already hurt or the families of those lost.
Please consider sharing this Signature Ad (or non-signature version). Please share our Signature Ad with your local pro-life or other compassionate groups and/or share one of the smaller non-signature versions mentioned further below.
Symbolism of the Broken/Restored Rose
Many of these ads and educational materials feature a beautiful stained-glass rose, which symbolizes the message that abortion breaks hearts, souls and lives ... but also that God can renew, heal and restore ... that He can bring good out of seemingly hopeless situations.
Those still at risk of unwanted abortions or already hurt by abortion are often dismissed, condemned or told to "get over it." Sadly, this often includes experts who deny prevalent unwanted, coerced or forced abortions and post-abortion grief, injury and maternal deaths.
This or Similar Messages Available in Many options, Ads and Formats
-- including flyers, "business cards" and bookmarks
You can run the ad as a Signature Ad or a standard ad or flyer without space for signatures.
Co-Op Version Also Available
The standard ad or flyer also includes a "co-op" version, which has space for sponsorship information or to advertise an upcoming event such as a rally, speaker, informational meeting, or healing program.
Check out the other ad formats on our healing ad page. Many of these can also be used as bookmarks, business cards or small space ads in bulletins, newsletters, newspaper and other publications. There is also a rose billboard to multiply the impact of other messages.
You can view and download the ads at: Please see our terms of use and other helpful information links on this page for ideas that can help you plan ahead to share an effective and compassionate message this October.
More articles, information and ideas:
Christmas or Holiday (New Year's) Ad/Flyer Outreach
Letters to the Editor - to Supplement Your Outreach Events/Planning Calendar Sample Press Release - Tell Local Media About Your Ad, Event or Outreach Signs, Apparel & More to Wear and Share at January Pro-Life Rallies & Events, and
news * books * donate * Twitter * Facebook * * bumper stickers, apparel, signs, etc. unwanted abortions * unsafe * suicide risk * teens help & healing * * Church Awareness Project Center Against Forced Abortions *
