Subject: Get Free and Low-Cost Resources for Fairs and Fall Events
The UnChoice: (thē un´-chois) noun ...
Small Step, Big Impact: An Easy Homework Assignment for Parents -- With A+ Results Run a small ad in a bulletin, newsletter or the classifieds of
A Quick Update: and Twitter
5 Simple, But Important Things You Can Do
Another highly effective option is to print some of our small ads as business cards to hand out with key stats about unwanted and coerced abortion and other risks and the aftershock of abortion.
These events are a great opportunity to reach out to new people who haven't heard this message.
Make the most of state and local fair booths, summer health fairs, back-to-school educational events, fall festivals, school projects and more. Share important new evidence condensed into compassionate, apolitical, user-friendly formats.
What to share at the fair and elsewhere for blue-ribbon results
* Portraits of Coercion brochure * The UnChoice Definition postcard or small ad * What Every American Needs to Know in various formats * New! You Can Choose to Heal ad/flyer * Business cards or small ads -- Hand them out or use them as a classified ad in civic and other publications.
Back-to-School "Homework" for A+ Parents!
Run one of our small ads in a civic, religious or school publication, or print them as business cards and hand them out. You'll change someone's life and the culture, too!
If you want to print these on your own printer, they are sized for any Avery business cards that are 2" x 3-1/2" and sold 10 per sheet. They are sold online or at most office supply stores.
Help Our Squidoo Lens Return to the Top 5
Thanks to your help, The UnChoice lens was in the Top 5 in the News/Politics category for more than two weeks, reaching as high as #3! This means that many, many people at risk, already hurt or those unaware of the issue had the opportunity to see this lens.
Thank you for all your help with this and other endeavors, and please keep the momentum going by forwarding the Squidoo lens.
It's growing! Be the first to know or just stop by sometimes to see who and what's tweating on Twitter. Follow us at Forward our Twitter link to others, too. Your effort makes a big difference!
5 simple, but important ways you can help: * Donate * Tell a friend * Become a Sustaining Partner (see below)
During these challenging economic times, we are especially in need of Sustaining Partners who make regular donations in an amount and time interval of their choosing. You decide each year if you want to renew your pledge and you are free to change or discontinue at any time.
Please pray about and consider becoming a Sustaining Partner, which will enable us to continue our life-saving, culture-changing research, education and outreach. To learn more, please email
May God bless you for your partnership in making this outreach possible!
(Donations are tax-deductible. Receipts will be provided upon request.)
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