The Elliot Institute News
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
June 13, 2018
Forgotten Fathers: Information, Resources and Hope for Men Impacted by Abortion
As we celebrate Father's Day this coming Sunday, many "forgotten fathers" will be remembering their experiences with abortion on this day and mourning their lost children.
Few will feel able to publicly acknowledge their pain and loss, even though many played a significant role in the abortion, willingly or not. In fact, a CareNet survey of women who had abortions found that they discussed the decision with the father more than anyone else, and that the father was the most influential person in the abortion decision.
This roundup of articles looks at some of the available research on men and abortion, and offers insights both from those who work with men and men who have been there. Share this information with others to educate them about abortion's impact on men, and point those who are struggling to the right help:
Men's pain and need for healing after abortion is real Piecing together the pain of loss for men after abortion Research reveals men’s sense of grief and helplessness in response to woman’s abortion Impact of abortion on men Abortion and men: What's a father to do? Men’s stories about abortion Forgotten fathers and their unforgettable children New study shows negative impact of abortion on relationships More articles & research about men and abortion Help for men after abortion
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