Subject: Elliot Institute News, Vol. 6, No. 9
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
Vol. 6, No. 9 -- Sept. 14, 2007
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UnChoice Campaign:
Forbidden Grief Now Available in Paperback
Updated Edition Includes New Research
The book, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion, is now available in paperback in a new, revised edition that includes updated information on the latest findings related to abortion trauma (click here for a special offer celebrating the introduction of this new version).
Forbidden Grief was written by Dr. Theresa Burke, a therapist and founder of Rachel's Vineyard post-abortion ministries, and Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon. Using Dr. Burke's personal insights and experiences treating thousands of women who sought help after abortion, Forbidden Grief explores many issues related to the abortion experience, including:
factors that can lead to abortion, including intense pressure, coercion, manipulation and other circumstances that reduce or negate one's ability to "choose;"
the lasting psychological and spiritual wounds of abortion that can affect every aspect of one's life, including personal relationships;
the link between abortion and problems such as substance abuse, eating disorders, suicide, and other self-destructive behavior;
the silence by friends and family members when a loved one is going through pain, grief, and trauma after abortion; and
how the abortion industry and the medical and psychological establishments have ignored and dismissed evidence showing the physical and psychological dangers of abortion for women.
Previously available only in hardcover, Forbidden Grief has sold more than 15,000 copies and is rapidly becoming a classic on post-abortion trauma. The authors expose the obstacles in the way of post-abortion healing, review the full range and depth of post-abortion issues, and show how we can create a more understanding, just and healing society where women will no longer be forced to hide their pain.
"Forbidden Grief breaks the silence, exposes the suffering, and points the way toward healing."
-- Robert P. George, professor, Princeton University, and former appointee, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
"I had an abortion when I was 16 and struggled with the aftermath for 19 years.
This eye-opening book offers the general public a clear picture of the everyday
realities of the abortion experience. Most importantly, it gives women
permission to face and resolve their feelings." -- Georgette Forney, founder,
Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Forbidden Grief is available for only $17.95. To place an order, call 1-888-412-2676 or click here to send an email order.
To celebrate our latest publishing ventures, we are offering the paperback version of Forbidden Grief along with our newest title, Giving Sorrow Words: Women's Stories of Grief After Abortion, for the special price of only $27.
Written by Australian journalist Melinda Tankard Reist,
Giving Sorrow Words
is a great companion piece to Forbidden Grief as it looks at the social
attitudes and policies that lead to abortion and deny women the right to express
their pain afterwards. As one reviewer noted, this book "refuses to accept
oversimplified explanations or solutions to abortion. The time has come to stop
ignoring the devastating consequences for all."
Order by Oct. 31 and get both books for only $27, shipping included. To order, call 1-888-412-2676 or send a check
to Acorn Books, PO Box 7348, Springfield, IL 62791 (please note that it is for
the "paperback special offer").
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12 Ways to Help Spread the Unchoice Message
#9: Distribute the Hope and Healing Newspaper Insert
If Americans knew
the truth about unwanted, misinformed or forced abortions ... they would not
push women to abort or deny them the opportunity to heal. Millions still suffer
in the wake of a procedure that was never safe ... never just ... and never
about free or fully informed choices.
Americans have been kept in the dark and many unwittingly push their daughters,
wives, sisters or friends into unwanted and dangerous abortions. Meanwhile,
countless women who have lived the abortion nightmare are resorting to despair
or even suicide. It is urgent that we educate others about abortion's injustice
and danger to everyone involved. With your help, we can stop others from pushing
abortion in lieu of authentic choices and offer renewed hope and healing to
women, men and families hurt by abortion.
Below is just one way you can help this important effort. To see the complete list of 12 Ways to Help, click here.
9. Distribute the Hope and Healing Newspaper Insert
Buy a small bundle of
Hope and Healing and distribute them to friends
or leave them anyplace people might be waiting
around and looking for something to read. Make
sure they are in the literature rack at the back of
your church.
Ask all the pregnancy centers and pro-life groups in your county if they have Hope and Healing in stock and are distributing it from their literature tables at fairs and other events. Consider donating copies or volunteering to do this important outreach. If you have a waiting room at your place of business (a doctor’s office, salon, laundromat, etc.) keep copies available for visitors to browse through.
Contact churches, pro-life groups, crisis pregnancy centers, and other like-minded organizations and ask them to work with you to place Hope and Healing as a paid advertising supplement in your community or college newspapers. For large orders, we may even be able to provide a special edition with an advertisement listing contact information for the sponsoring organizations.
When an organization raises the funds to insert Hope and Healing into a community newspaper, we will provide Hope and Healing at a very low cost, or even provide the artwork for you to print locally. Hope and Healing has touched and changed many lives. With your help, it will touch more.
Low-Cost/No-Cost Uses
for the Unchoice Ads and Educational Materials
#5: Distribute Information Kits
You can help spread the Unchoice message by using our ads and educational materials -- even on a very limited or non-existent budget! Here is just one way you can spread the word. Click here to see other low-cost/no-cost ideas.
5. Assemble information kits (folders or binders) for media, leaders and other gatekeepers or to use as your own easy reference guide.
Combine selected
fact sheets,
ads, and other
resources into one "Info Kit" folder (like the sample here) or tabbed binder with sections for:
Research and Facts, Ads, and Notes. In versions for pro-life committees or
activists, include a section for suggested activities. Use it for personal presentations and/or
give it to a group for use after your presentation. Or, deliver it to:
editors, reporters
legislators, candidates and political activists
pastors, counselors and other religious and outreach leaders
students, school librarians, educators, high school and college activists
Encourage them to write or speak about this issue. Provide sample ads and facts to draw curiosity and prompt coverage.
"Entering Canaan" Days of Prayer and Healing for Those Involved in Abortion to Be Held in New York
An "Entering Canaan" Day of Prayer and Healing for Men, sponsored by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, will be held in the Bronx on Oct. 6, 2007. This day is open to men who have been involved in an abortion and also those whose spouses are post-abortive. Two other days of healing for men will be held on Jan. 5 and March 3. For more information please call Lumina at 718-881-8008.
An "Entering Canaan" Day for those who had an abortion after receiving a poor prenatal diagnosis will be held on Sat., Nov. 24 from 9:30 am - 5 pm at Our Lady of New York Convent in the Bronx. The spiritual director is Rev. Mariusz Koch, CFR, and the event is sponsored by the Sisters of Life and Lumina/Hope & Healing After Abortion. For more information please call
Find out more about Elliot Institute books and resources at
To place an order, call 1-888-412-2676.
DONATIONS to the Elliot Institute can be made here
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