The Elliot Institute News
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
Vol. 6, No. 8 -- July 27, 2007
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Hard Cases:
New Facts, New Answers.
Women victimized by sexual assault
deserve our full support. They are asking legislators for a chance to tell their
side of the story. Studies show that most do not want abortion. Those who
aborted report that it only increased their trauma. Those who didn't abort had
no regrets about carrying their pregnancy to term.
Better outcomes among women who
don't abort.
In the only major survey ever conducted of women who became pregnant through
sexual assault:
70% had their babies, and none
regretted their decision.
78% of those who aborted
regretted the abortion and said that abortion was the wrong
Women impacted by assault-related pregnancy petition for Congressional
hearings. Studies indicate abortion makes a traumatic situation even worse. An Ad Hoc
Committee of Women Pregnant by Sexual Assault has put together a Petition to
Congress and State Legislators to request hearings on this issue ( ).
Assault victims are often coerced into and further traumatized by abortion. A survey of women who've had a sexual assault pregnancy revealed that many only
aborted because they felt pressured, and that abortion only increased their
grief and trauma.1
Assault victims often report that
someone else made the abortion decision for them. The pressure to abort can
escalate to violence or even murder.2
Teens have been taken to clinics for forced abortions and returned to their
64% of women surveyed after abortion report feeling pressured into
(For research, headlines and stories of coercion and abortion-related violence,
download "Forced Abortion in America," and other resources and fact sheets at
Assault cases have a higher risk of complications.
The more difficult the circumstances prompting abortion, the more likely a woman
will suffer severe post-abortion problems.4
Sexual assault is a known risk factor for post-abortion problems.4
Other risks of abortion include:
31% of women suffer health complications
after abortion.
65% suffer symptoms of
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which they attribute to abortion.
Death rates from all causes are
higher after abortion.
Suicide rates are 6-7 times higher
for women who had abortions vs. those who gave birth.5
For further information:
Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions, and
Children Resulting From Sexual Assault includes research and testimonies from
women who had sexual assault pregnancies. Order from Acorn Books:
Download a free copy of our
"Hard Cases: New Facts.
New Answers" Booklet -- including the above fact sheet -- at
1. Reardon, Makimaa &
Sobie, Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions
and Children Resulting from Sexual Assault (Springfield, IL: Acorn Books, 2000) 19-22.
2. See the report
"Forced Abortions in America" at
3. VM Rue et. al.,
"Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and
Russian women," Medical Science Monitor 10(10): SR5-16, 2004.
4. Reardon,
"Abortion Decisions and the Duty to Screen," J. Contemporary Health Law and
Policy 20(1):109, Winter 2003.
5. See the "Research and Key Facts" booklet at for the source of these statistics.
12 Ways to Help
Spread the Unchoice Message
#8: Learn About And Share
New Research, Information and Resources
If Americans knew
the truth about unwanted, misinformed or forced abortions ... they would not
push women to abort or deny them the opportunity to heal. Millions still suffer
in the wake of a procedure that was never safe ... never just ... and never
about free or fully informed choices.
Americans have been kept in the dark and many unwittingly push their daughters,
wives, sisters or friends into unwanted and dangerous abortions. Meanwhile,
countless women who have lived the abortion nightmare are resorting to despair
or even suicide. It is urgent that we educate others about abortion's injustice
and danger to everyone involved. With your help, we can stop others from pushing
abortion in lieu of authentic choices and offer renewed hope and healing to
women, men and families hurt by abortion.
Below is just one
way you can help this important effort. To see the complete list of 12 Ways to
Help, click here.
8. Learn About and Share New Research, Information and Resources
New research, strategies and initiatives are
constantly being developed. Visit our web site at to see our latest
resources and information. Subscribe to the
Post-Abortion Review, our printed quarterly
publication which focuses on the impact of abortion
on women, men, and children. These
resources -- along with this e-newsletter -- will
help you to see when and how you can get involved in more effective ways.
Share this valuable
information with others by urging them to sign up for this free email
newsletter. They can sign up by going to
Also, if you have a web site, please consider placing a link to on your site. This is a
simple way to help share the truth with more people.
Low-Cost/No-Cost Uses
for the Unchoice Ads and Educational Materials
#4: Promote Your Event, Ministry or
Outreach With Co-Op Ads & Posters
You can help spread the Unchoice message by using
our ads and educational materials -- even on a very limited or non-existent
budget! Here is just one way you can spread the word. Click
here to see other low-cost/no-cost ideas.
4. Promote your event, ministry or
outreach with co-op versions of ads and posters.
can customize our the co-op versions of our
Ads and Posters
to include your local contact information.
Whether it's a seminar, a prayer service, a
video presentation, or a booth at a women's health fair ... there are many
places where you can use an ad to capture attention and promote local messages,
counseling or outreach ministries. This can be targeted less specifically, such
as offering help or prayer for pregnancy-associated loss, such as miscarriage,
abortion or SIDS, to more specific post-abortion counseling outreach. In the
latter case, confidentiality is often a concern, so you may want to promote your
information in nearby cities or via regional and state events or publications.
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for using the co-op materials.
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