Church Awareness Project 2013 Share Our Free Book and Resources With Your Pastor and Church Leaders
Mark Your Calendars for Coerced Abortion Awareness Week April 7-14, 2013
It’s a new day! The Church Awareness Project is awakening pastors and churches across the nation.
An Elliot Institute survey that found that many people in churches and pro-life circles want their pastors to speak out about abortion. But most of our respondents also told us that they seldom, if ever, hear anything about this issue from the pulpit.
You can help change this! Simply share the Jericho Plan — and a few other supporting resources — with your pastor. Ask him to address this issue from a unifying, evidence-based and compassionate pro-woman/pro-life perspective.
The resources contain information that shows that abortion is not really about “choice” (in fact, most abortions are unwanted or coerced) and the reality is that it harms, not increases, the rights of women and girls. Many people in our own congregations and communities — girls, women, men and families — are vulnerable to abortion pressure, deception and coercion. Many others are left hurting and traumatized afterwards, or grieving the loss of someone they love to abortion’s aftermath (abortion increases the risk of death from all causes, including suicide). It’s time for churches to end the silence and be a voice for those affected in their communities.
What You Can Do to Open Hearts, Minds and Doors:
The Church Awareness Project provides free resources and action steps to:
- Give your pastor a free, downloadable copy of The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing, a guide for pastors and church leaders written by Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon.
- Educate pastors, church leaders and others in your faith community and urge them to speak out to protect the rights and lives of both women and their unborn children.
- Educate pastors, church leaders and others in your faith community that abortion isn't about "choice" -- that most abortions are unwanted or coerced and that these abuses are occurring in our churches and communities.
- Educate pastors, church leaders and others in your faith community about abortion-related grief and trauma, including the increased risk of suicide and other problems that may be suffered by those around us.
- Share resources that offer hope, help and healing.
- Share the good news that those in our churches and communities who are in crisis are not alone, and that help and support are available.
Give Your Pastor A Free Copy of The Jericho Plan Guide for Pastors!

Sign up to be a part of the Church Awareness Project. You’ll receive a free e-book to share with your pastor or church leaders, free educational materials, resources for your church and more. Plan to participate in Coerced Abortion Awareness Week in April, to mobilize our churches on these issues.
When you sign up, you will receive a free electronic copy of The Jericho Plan, plus other important resources, including a “help and healing” kit.
The Jericho Plan and our other electronic resources can be read on any computer with Adobe Reader; you don’t need a special e-reader for it. You’ll get other educational materials, too, to use and share with church leaders and others in your faith community.
Click here to join the Church Awareness Project. You will receive an email with instructions about how to download resources, plus other information about how to participate.
If you have already joined the Church Awareness Project, you don’t need to sign up again. We’ll send out updates and links to all our resources in the coming days.
Mark Your Calendar for Coerced Abortion Awareness Week.
Participate in Coerced Abortion Awareness Week during April 7-14. Help educate church leaders, church communities and the general public that abortion is not about free, fair and fully informed “choice,” as is widely presumed. Shedding light on this unspoken injustice and abortion’s heartbreaking aftermath can save those at risk, help those already hurt, remove some of the shame or stigma that often surrounds these issues, and open doors to genuine help, hope and healing.
Coerced Abortion Awareness Week includes two Sundays for added planning and flexibility. We will send out more on this soon. |