Canada Approves RU-486
This week Health Canada approved Mifepristone (also known as the abortion pill or RU-486) for use in Canada.
The articles below expose how RU-486 is used to abuse and exploit pregnant women and their unborn children. Be sure to share them with others on your web site, blog, social networking sites and other outlets.
Also, be sure to educate others that women who have taken the first dose of the abortion pill (mifepristone, mifeprex or RU-486) may be able to have a doctor stop the abortion. Learn more at
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RU-486 and the Assault on Pregnant Women
Susan Enouen, P.E.
Note: The following article from 2010, reprinted with permission from Life Issues Institute, sheds light on why approving RU-486 will lead to further exploitation and harm for Canadian women.
RU-486, the abortion pill, is used to cause chemical abortions in early pregnancy. Since its controversial approval by the FDA in September of 2000, it can be prescribed to pregnant women of any age, even teenagers. Led by pro-abortion feminists in the 1990's, the fervent sales pitch for its approval called for a safe, effective, inexpensive and accessible abortifacient.
According to Planned Parenthood's Alexander Sanger, it represented "one of the most important victories for women in this century." To Kate Michelman of NARAL, it was the "biggest thing since the birth control pill."
All rhetoric aside, the reality of RU-486 is that after nearly ten years on the market, this "victory for women" has taken seven American women's lives (that we know of), caused serious complications in hundreds of others, and provided a new instrument for the abuse of women.
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RU-486: A Tool for Population Control
Population control advocates insist that expanded access to abortion is essential to improving the status and health of women throughout the world. Pro-lifers, on the other hand, are obviously opposed to any effort to expand abortion access around the world.
Many proponents of population control honestly believe that such efforts will expand the rights of women and improve their lives. However, there is another group of population controllers who want to reduce individual rights at the expense of women
These zealots are are the ones who make excuses for programs that involve coerced sterilizations, forced abortions, or the withholding of food or medical care unless poor women "voluntarily" accept IUDs or Norplant insertions.
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