Subject: Live Now: Simpler Traffic 5x your sales spending $0

Hey, Simpler Traffic has just officially gone Live.

If you’re currently paying for traffic or are thinking about it, here’s a scary statistic:

“81% of people do further research online before making their buying decision…”

That means if you’re paying to show an ad to 5 people... 4 of them will head OUT of your funnel and INTO somebody else’s

=> So 81% of your ad budget is spent sending sales to somebody else – your competitors

This is why most media buyers lose money on paid traffic campaigns.

And that’s where Simpler Traffic saves the day…

Discover More On This Groundbreaking Free Traffic Workshop:

5x Your Sales By Spending $0

This is how Chris and his students have made millions over the years with his Simpler Traffic System… to get FREE traffic from the best source of buyers online in ANY niche.

And now for the first time, you can too!

(but only if you join while the doors are open, which they won’t be for very long...)

All you do is take a few minutes each day to rapidly post the kind of boring buyer content the 81% are looking for…

(note: you don’t write it yourself and can even do this for offers in niches you know nothing about!)

… you’ll start pulling those people back into your sales funnel… and you get your ROI back.

You’ll also boost your brand, can build a retargeting list and lower your ad costs.

Simpler Traffic doesn’t just drive buyers to you for free… it makes Paid Traffic more profitable too!

5X Your Sales In Any Niche w/ Simpler Traffic:

Best Regards,

Mark Mason

P.S. If you struggle to get traffic, this brand new method “Simpler Traffic” is all you’ll ever need to generate $10k+ per month… and you’ll only have to put in 1-2 hours per month once you’re set up.