Subject: Grab 90% Off 2 Security Plugins - Closing Today!

Hi Friend,

It doesn't matter what type of online business you have...

What would you do, if right at this moment you found out your business website had been hacked?!

Did you know most people don't even know they've been hacked until it's actually too late...

So would you like peace-of-mind knowing your website was safe and secure?

Last week Matt Garrett released a Wordpress security plugin bundle called “Blog Defender V3” And copies have been flying off the virtual shelves since then, but this offer closes today. So If you've been neglecting your websites security, now is your chance to finally do something about it.

>> Click Here And Get Blog Defender V3

Simon Hodgkinson [of Hodgkinson Publishing] says:

"This is probably one of those times when you ask yourself
'Do I really need this product?' ...The truth is Yes, you do and you need it now.

I've been in the online business for 10+ years and had my fair share of hacked sites which have cost me time and money (lots of it)... I've also seen a good number of people have their reputations and entire businesses left in tatters when their sites have been hacked.

Right now is the time to act, because when it's too late, well basically you'll be screwed (and you'll regret the day you passed over such a great opportunity to protect yourself for so little).

And by the way, if you think your web host will come to your rescue think again, you'll be on your own, paying to put things right and suffering the cost of lost sales and business. Don't end up another victim!"

Of course Simon's right, and once you've locked down your site you'll be able to sleep at night, without imagining that little "tap, tap, tap" sound of the hackers trying to get in to your blog...

Watch this video to learn how you can take back control of your site security:

>> Click Here To Watch The Video

But you need to be quick, this offer is gone at midnight tonight
(1st May)!!!

Mark Mason

GraphixMarketing, 4 Queen Street, NP4 9NG, Blaenavon, Pontypool, United Kingdom
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