Subject: Download Access - Video Graphics Assets Gift

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Hi Dean, thanks that's awesome, I really appreciate it!

There are more really nice quality assets coming soon... In the meantime enjoy your gifts.

Please find your download access below.

Thanks again,
Mark Mason

I love feedback. If you have any suggestions for gifts, bonuses etc that you would use more with your projects and would suit you more, please let me know. This might be overlay FX. Backgrounds, openers, characters etc... Just hit reply to this email and let me know and I'll do my very best to add them for you in my next release :)

Be sure to whitelist my email or add me as a contact in your address book now. Also, If I landed in your Promotions tab in gmail please click and drag my email over to your Primary tab now. This ensures that you receive and don't miss out on my next downloads.

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