Subject: Cloud Defender v4: Clients need this service

Hi, Google has given us a chance to provide an essential service to local businesses :)

It's a service that any local business with a website needs.

It also doesn't cost you anything to provide this service.

This means it's REALLY simple to find clients.

If your client's site doesn't have an SSL certificate and shows as not secure. (Without a padlock next to their domain name) then they will lose customers. Adding a certificate is either expensive or really complicated to do.

Not with this...

>> Click Here To See More

Step #1: check local business sites to see if they have this in place, most won't

Step #2: grab a screenshot to show them the problem

Step #3: send them the screenshot and offer to fix it for them

Include a link to an order/payment page (e.g.

then you just wait for the orders to come in...

Note: you could also easily outsource the setup process so you get someone else to do it for you!

Now here's the bad news, this offer is on a dimesale and constantly rising...

Hit the button below to learn more now:

>> Click Here To Get Cloud Defender v4

Best Regards,

Mark Mason