Subject: 1,040 PREMIUM ASSETS: Animated and static for your videos

Boy was I excited to hear about this new animated package by VidElation called Charismatic characters. It’s a package with over 1,040 different assets.

Get 10% off at checkout using code: earlybird10 (valid until 5pm)

All of the assets come in animated and static versions in color, but here’s something new They ALSO come in black and white versions for clients who want whiteboard action.

The characters are dressed in “real people” work clothes too, because we all know not everyone spends their days in a suit and tie.

Besides professionally animated characters, this package ALSO has animated and static backgrounds in color AND in black and white, and animated and static tools in color and black and white.

Hand Picked Bonuses
I've doubled the amount of bonuses you'll get from others (that are using the 3 standard bonuses given)

Click Here To View My Bonus Package

There’s a total of 1,040 files in this Monster package for just $17 right now...

You better hurry though - When this launch is over, the price will triple so you will never get a better price than right now.

Get 10% off at checkout using code: earlybird10 (valid until 5pm)

To your success,

Mark Mason

GraphixMarketing, 4 Queen Street, NP4 9NG, Blaenavon, Pontypool, United Kingdom
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