Hello marvellous Friend, Big times await us and I want to make sure you’re prepared! This period of time is all about re-aligning in complete truth with who we are.
I started a new structured morning routine just two days ago and I have seen more than one people creating space for themselves lately. Did you find yourself re-organizing and re-aligning things to be more you and more in tune with your goals?
As always, feel free to hit reply to this email for questions, more support or to let me know if it resonates. Let's dive right in!
| Moon phase: Full Moon
This is the first Full Moon we go through in the Magic Circle and it’s feeling good! This is the time to look around you and feel all the ways you’ve been progressing since the intentions you set during the New Moon. How are things coming along? Is there something that needs to be noticed, celebrated perhaps? Is there something that needs course-correcting? This is your time to do so.
“The full moon in Taurus is here to have you wake up and shake up what really truly matters in your life. La Luna in the sign of the bull is here to transform your life with strength of purpose. […] The Full moon in Taurus asks you to trust yourself. When you follow the heart you never can go wrong. It asks you to stand in authenticity and come from a place of soul awakening love, self respect, and trust in the divine's magical plan. We will be under the effect of this Full moon in Taurus for the next 2 weeks.” Astromomma.com |
| Integrate in your business: Align with Purpose
If you’re feeling like you can’t keep doing things that are not aligned with your values, you’re not alone. This has been a strong theme in the last few years, and your Soul is screaming at you to listen and align.
What can I do today to act a little more in alignment with my truth? What feels good when I think about “purpose”? How would I like my business to help on a larger scale?
| Chakra work: Anahata
Your soul is calling, you can find your way back to her through your Heart Chakra. In order to do so, you need to be in a grateful state. Sit in silence and start breathing into the center of your chest. Visualize a beautiful lotus flower opening up with your inhale, softly closing with your exhale. Do this for 10 minute and feel your heart and soul smiling through the process. Feel the gratitude for just being.
What can you be a tiny bit more grateful for in your life?
| Limiting belief work: Worth
These are some limiting beliefs that might come up around this time and that you might want to work on:
“Who am I to wish for everything to be as I want it in my life?” “No one gets to have it all.” “All of this happiness will surely bring a disgrace along.” “I’m not perfect enough to help someone else.”
| Affirmations:
“I am worthy of love, happiness, balance and abundance of all good things.” “I deserve to do the work I love with soulmate clients, with grace, flow and ease.” “I stand tall in the truth of my purpose.”
| Intuitive energy guidance: "Regroup, regenerate, re-create yourself"
Interestingly enough, this moon is exactly about balance and boundaries. Guess what card I pulled from my beautiful deck ("The Illustrated Herbiary)? Yarrow, the “Pocket of Protection”.
The Full Moon period is already poignant with meaning, or should I say yearning for meaning… this week is even more drenched in that feeling.
The message for you is to slow down, find your courage and redirect yourself in the direction of your Soul.
This is a sacred space where you can operate these changes and the stars align for you to do just that.
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| Rituals: Create Space for your Growth
If you’re a little bit of a rebel and cannot be contained, you’ll frown upon the idea of structure. Please know deep down in your soul that structure is not always bad: boundaries are needed in order to grow, let’s see it as a confined space that you create for yourself, consciously… and that feels good.
I have recently started a morning routine following the Miracle Morning method and it is a very structured morning routine with six fixed activities around personal growth.
Can you create something similar for yourself? Can you create a space (both in time and physical space) where you can create your true Self, feed your Soul and re-align?
This can look any way that feels good for you… it can be your 15 minutes before bedtime where you read your favorite personal growth or spiritual book. It can be your non-negotiable weekly yoga lesson. For me, it's currently waking up before 8AM and getting a full hour and a half for myself doing at least 15 minutes of energy work, doing my morning yoga, writing in my journal, reading and practicing with affirmations and visualization (the last two are something I have never engaged with on a daily basis so I'm excited!)
Start small if you’re not used to having a space that is yours to grow in, but start: this will create the conditions for your true Self and Soul to shine through!
| | Hey magical Friend, hit reply to this email... ... if you have any question, if you found these tips and rituals useful or just to say hi! |
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