Here we go Friend, cycling back towards the light again.
How have you been feeling after last week potent New Moon, the 11/11 and in general this month of incredible expansion and revelations?
I’m going to do my best to help you navigate this time because it can feel overwhelming, I know. Please know that any tension or old patterns that comes up, it does for you to see it and acknowledge it… and finally release it. This is your chance to do that.
Let’s see what we can do this week to stay in balance!
| Intuitive energy guidance: Be Yourself
As we are going towards the light, where everything gets to come to the surface and is truly seen, authenticity is a huge theme. The “Daisy” oracle card reminds us to be authentic.
Who are we before we start worrying about the way we look? Or what will our family think of us? Or whatever it is that is expected from us?
When we shed all self-criticism and judgement, we can shine a light on our True Self. This is a big part of my work and the journey that I believe is everyone's purpose: shedding the layers and getting to that shiny, sparkly YOU that is already in there. Knowing that part of you will protect you from criticism, judgement and self-sabotage. It’s your magical place to go back to whenever you feel lost. It truly is the work of a lifetime!
| Moon phase: First Quarter
As all quarter phases, there can be tension coming up during this First Quarter moon. The Moon moved into Aquarius two days ago so it might be that you have already experienced some of the effects of this moon. Buckle up buttercup because I need you to stand tall in your truth and power through during this time.
“This is a vulnerable phase where we are often weakened by the thoughts and judgements of others or our own self-judgment, and can be easily taken off course by an unwelcome comment, unsupportive partner or well-meaning friend. […] Use this time to let go of anything that has become an obstacle to your success - belief systems, mindset blocks, expectations and opinions of others, the need for approval, toxic or stagnant relationships and unhealthy habits.” Vanessa Corazon - |
| Integrate in your business:
I will now obviously ask you to be honest and look at your business: where are you not being authentic?
Whether your business is around you or not, you’re still the person running it. Where are you not being honest with yourself, engaging in actions or methods that are not aligned with your principles? What in your business is not feeling good? Realign. Ditch what doesn’t feel aligned. Be honest. Look at the ritual at the bottom of this email to help you through this process!
Journaling prompts to get to the core of your aligned business:
- If money and resources were not a problem, what kind of services would I be offering? - Today my business is running in the way I want, it’s profitable and more: what am I spending most of my time on? - My business is already making more than enough and I have a perfect team. I can now invest a good portion of my time for pro-bono work: what am I offering to people? - If you were 100% granted that any method you use can bring you soulmate clients, profit and happiness, how would you be marketing your products and services?
| Chakra work: Vishuddha
Your personal truth is of the utmost importance at this time. Your throat chakra rules your pure self-expression, conscious creation and clarity around your truth. How can you access this truth? First, you need to be able to stand up for yourself and express your needs, ideas and opinions.
If you’re a shy and silent person, try to make “more noise”: accompany your movements with small noises (for example, make a spontaneous noise when you stand up or lay down, when you’re getting into yoga poses, when you take conscious breaths). There’s no right or wrong in this exercise: just express yourself with sounds.
If you’re quite the opposite and you talk a lot and you’re a little loud, try this other exercise: LISTEN. Sit down in silence and listens to all the sounds around you. That car engine that won’t start in the distance? The mother scolding her child? Your own breath? You will discover that you are able to perceive more than you expected. Practice this when you are communicating with others too: remain silent, listen, nod your head, really comprehend, ask for further explanations, show curiosity. Maybe you’ll find out you really are interested in what others have to say.
PS: my “Chakra Healing for Business” guide is almost ready! I will probably release it on the next Full Moon. I’m so very excited that you get to have this little book to refer to when you are having any issue in your life and work through it with the help of your chakras!
| Limiting belief work: Patterns These are some limiting beliefs that might be coming up during this time. Be aware of them.
“It’s too late to change my course of actions now” “Everyone expects this from me so I can’t disappoint them” “I need everyone to like me and what I’m doing”
| Affirmations:
“I am the ruler of my world and I get to choose where I’m going every second of every day of my life.” “I take the best decisions for myself and those around me” “My purpose and truth equals the highest purpose and truth of the Universe”
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| Rituals: Reassess, Realign, Readjust
Yes, your truth shines in just being, but it’s also true that your actions stems from who you are at that point in time. So are your actions aligned with your purest truth?
I invite you to make a good list of all the actions you usually go through on a daily basis. For example, the time you wake up, whether you make the bed or not, what kind of breakfast you have, if you read or exercise, and so on. All the things you usually do. If you’re looking for your truth in business, do the same specifically for your business. What are you doing in your business and for your business on a daily basis? Make a list.
Now, put a number next to each action with 1 being “Not aligned at all” and 5 being “Completely aligned with my purpose and goals”.
How many actions are you taking on a daily basis that are not aligned at all? How many are “meh” and can be tweaked and improved so that they are more aligned with your truth?
This exercise can be very revealing and it’s very helpful to do it at this time of the month, when you can adjust the course of your actions easily.
Let me know how it goes!
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