Subject: Is your work your passion? 🔥

Gorgeous Friend, nice to see you again. 
The Total Eclipse in Leo that happened a few hours ago feels like the perfect time to get back into the flow of things! 

Despite the New Year craze, I deeply felt that January was not the month to switch on the hustle. It was still a month of releasing, renewal, regrouping, and preparing. 

Now feels like the time to get into gear. 

I'm sure you heard a lot about this Eclipse, so I will add my intuitive reading and wish you the very best for the unfolding of this beautiful cosmic energy (all planets are in direct motion until March! There's nothing to hold us back now.) 

Also, scroll until the bottom of the email, there's a special invitation for you (especially if you're in the stage of looking for clarity around your passions and how to make them profitable).
Intuitive energy guidance: the Brightest of Beginnings

As "fate" would have it, I was guided to pick the very first card of my deck, which was the last card in my spread. 

It's Chickweed, and its name in Latin is "stellaria" which means "star". 

Stellaria tells us of new, bright beginnings. She whispers "It's time". 

She has a gentle energy that tells us that wherever we are is the perfect place to start. 
She works on a foundational level, she tells us to open the windows of our soul and let out what no longer serves. If this eclipse isn't the perfect moment to do so for 2019, I don't know what is! 
She reassures us that this is the perfect moment and where we are is the perfect place: there's nothing we lack. 

What's keeping you from making the changes you crave? 
Who are you without those burdens? 
Are you already on your path but looking for fireworks instead of looking at the little beacons of light that are already guiding you, right in front of you?

I'm not letting this beautiful energy slip away so this is happening tomorrow...

🔥How to (really) make your passions profitable FREE MASTERCLASS 🔥

"If you're really passionate about it, it will work"... NOPE!
There might be a few factors you haven't taken into account when you decided you didn't want to be another unfulfilled soul walking this world.

Tune in live here or catch the replay in the following 24 hours for some real a-ha moments! 🔥The live session happens tomorrow Tuesday 22nd at 4PM GMT - 11AM EST - 8AM PST.

(If you're having troubles seeing the post, you need to join the group first.)

With love + magic, 

Free Facebook Group: Creating Freedom 
Facebook page: Elisa B
Instagram account: @itselisab
Elisa Bini, Via Tuscolana, 00100, Rome, Italy
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