Subject: Do THIS if you want to post the perfect thing every time.

Hi free folks (did I sound like Jon Snow right now?),

I love you infinitely and I can’t wait to share with you a lot of tricks & tips to make social media FUN and EMPOWERING for you!

Straight to the nitty gritty: this is the way of categorizing content that allows me to always have the perfect, aligned post to share.

It’s very simple.
A schedule that makes sense follows CONTENT THEMES. Bonus point: content themes help you stay on brand. Win-win!

  1. Pick maximum 7 content themes (yes, like the days of the week)
  2. Distribute them evenly across your week (see image below)
  3. Break it down to how many pieces of content you need monthly. This is what comes down to for me: 8 videos, 5 quotes, 8 photos, 7 text posts. Totally doable, right? (remember to follow your content categories when you go about creating those pieces of content)
WAY LESS overwhelming, right? Now you finally know what to post and when!!

My tip on actually going about creating these pieces of content? Take advantage of your power moments. When do you feel most inspired? Use that time for YOUR business.
I brain dump everything on a Google document and then I schedule the content the next day.

Now, once you have this batch of posts, you can redistribute them across your other social media platforms. Just try to not post them at the same time of the same day, and you will be fine (for example, schedule the Monday’s Fb video for Thursday on Linkedin).
With one Facebook post you might be able to create 5 tweets, repurposing is the magic word!

Makes sense 
Friend ? This super easy system helps you free up A TON of time and be consistent with your social and your branding!! It’s SO easy and doable it’s almost ridiculous. It's a guide for you to ALWAYS know what to post.

If you want more tips like this, open my next email because it gets better (I will show you how I manage to schedule a month of content in a few hours!)


Do you need help with setting up a system like this, brainstorm your social media strategy or shine a light on the real reasons you're not progressing with social media? I have 2 mini-strategy calls left for March! 

Your investment: $297
What you get: 1.5 hour call with me + actionable plan in pdf + a customized monthly schedule

With Ease & Flow, 

Founder and Social Media Strategist at Ease + Flow Social
Facebook Group "Social & Soul"
Via Tuscolana, 00100, Rome, Italy
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