Subject: May I give you a present? It's my birthday!

Hi Friend 

My two favorite holidays are my birthday and Thanksgiving...and tomorrow is my birthday.

I wanted to say Thank You to my subscribers as I move into the best year of my life. I'll be 77 years young, get younger by the day. It seems auspicious to turn 77, like it's super lucky, though I truly believe we make our own luck.

For this year, I am creating an experiment in love and connection.

It's time to connect with you more often with ideas to help you live your best life ever. Gratitude is the biggest key to everything. Dr. Joe Dispenza says it's the ultimate state of receivership.

I am extremely grateful for you and the opportunity to serve. I am boldly asking for your assistance in building this community and serving you this year.

For those of you who open this email and reply with a birthday wish, or card, or direct message in Facebook, and give me a physical address, I will send YOU a birthday present from me. (I'm secretly hoping to send out 77 presents in the next couple of weeks.)

Or if you invite 1 other person to get on this list by giving me them my email so I can add them to the list, I'll send both of you a present. But I need an address, as well as email in order to mail you something.

What present? It will be a surprise. Something valued a minimum $20.

Anyway, I am having soooo much fun already planning to take my 89 year old sister to see the new Tom Hanks movie, then out to dinner.

We haven't decided the best birthday cake, pie, dessert...something special, but not too too damaging to my excellent Diet Free Life program that is working for me to get in the best health in 2023 ever.

Join me in my celebration!

Join me in living in a state of Gratitude.

May we all step into a New vision of the future, instead of living in the memories of old stories that no longer serve.

Come. Let's play and create extraordinary wealth at the same time.

Let me touch your hearts. Share with me some of your pains and joys to get more of what you want and less of what you don't want.

I love you.


p.s. My thought of today:

You are not broken.

There's nothing to fix.

You don't need to change.

You are lovable right now.

You are enough.

Ok. 5 thoughts.

p.p.s. Send me a birthday message of Facebook messenger or here?

 Text:  702 979 8412

“Living Full-Out, I am a Stand for Infinite Possibility,  
inspiring and leading 1,000's of others to live their dreams." SHG

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