Subject: Last call for Journaling For's not too late

Hi Friend ,

Today is the third day for Journaling For Profit...

I shared that my birthday is my favorite holiday,

besides Thanksgiving. And this year I celebrated 75 years on the

planet by giving you a class that changed my life.

If you missed the email about it, this class that could transform how you walk through your life, your business, your relationships with every aspect of yourself.

It started 1/10/21 at 2 pm EST. You can still get in on this Founder's no-cost

version and all the recordings by registering, even if you can't attend live.

Be my guest, Here's the link to click to register:

Even if you can't attend today or all of the classes, I encourage you to

register so that you will receive the recordings and follow up.

Learn how to choose Joy over Misery every time, as you integrate the story

of YOU.

I learned a process in the 80's that allowed me to tap into my highest

and best Self and to hear what my life was trying to tell me. Using this

process was the first time I stopped feeling crazy.

Tap into a real dialogue with


Your loved ones

Your mentors

Your work itself

Your body and your health

Your dreams

Your spiritual guides...

Today's class builds on the first two and we will learn how to enter

into dialogues with various aspects of our life, tapping into unconscious

wisdom your life has for you.

And, imagine being able to access all those notes you take.

Imagine clearing all the negativity and debris that tries to shut you down.

You're getting my modified version, called Journaling For Profit,

It is my honor and privilege to share this process that I participated in

annually for 10 years and taught for 20 more.

Register here to get the link to join today at 2 pm EST. [Today's class will be shortened to 30 mintues instead of an hour, as I have to take my 87 year old sister to her doctor and 2nd Covid shot.]

The training part will be recorded, but the participant sharing will not...and there's magic in each of us.

I keep coming back to Gratitude and Love. This is a gift of gratitude

and love. Register, whether or not you can attend all week.

My almost 88 year old sister woke up feeling blind one day.

All my priorities shifted instantly, as I decided to spend the

rest of her life with her.

We often teach what we need to learn...This Journaling for Profit 

process is also for my benefit.

I'm so grateful for the mentors and friends of the last 75 years.

It's time to show up for you, as my mentor and friend, Sean G Murphy,

has demonstrated over the last 2+ years on his Daily Awakening (let me

know if you would like a link to his Daily Awakening calls).

He's not alone. It's time for each of us to show up.

I look forward to sending you the recordings for the first two classes and seeing you today. Register here.  Bring a pen and paper (if you have loose leaf paper that would be even better).

Sharon Gist,

p.s. You can set up an appointment to connect with me directly on my calendar

 Text:  702 979 8412

Aren't you worth $29?

Be Happy Now--Ask Me How

Retire With Enough Residual Income

“Living Full-Out, I am a Stand for Infinite Possibility,  
inspiring and leading 1,000's of others to live their dreams." SHG

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