Subject: Last Chance to Register for Journaling For Profit, starts today...

Hi Friend 

Woo Hoo...Today is the day for starting the new revised Journaling For Profit course. Here's the registration link:

3 pm EDT

2 pm CDT

1 pm PDT

I will send a separate email to people who actually signed up, so they get the link to join live on Zoom.

Here's the thing. I realized I got the communication out so late, that some of you who might want to have the course, or access even if you can't attend live, that I want to give you another chance to register.

This course is valued currently at $100, and I discounted it to $10. Frankly, if you don't feel like you get $10 of value, I will be happy to refund the price.

This initial group is grandfathered in forever.

New people after this offering, will be asked to pay $10/month in the future.

And, anyone who wants personal coaching to go even deeper or be more private, I'll be offering that for $50/ session.

I offered this class last year to a happy first class, but I wanted to streamline it and allow for an ongoing in depth experience.

I figured out how to do that...and would love my inner circle to be a part of it.

Click on this link to see what I'm offering and sign up.

I look forward to seeing you at 3 pm EDT, today, 4/1/22

Much love, Sharon

P.S. Here's how we'll do this:

  1.  You'll get a link to participate live and ask questions directly.

  2.  You'll get a replay to every class.

  3. I have a Facebook group where I will be interacting and available daily.

  4. I'll continue the class 3 times a week live until it's done.

  5. There will be space to interact in the group or more privately...come to the first class to get all the details.

P.P.S. I'll be sending a separate email 3 hours before the class with all the log-in info by zoom or phone to those who registered. Text or message me if you need anything special.

 Text:  702 979 8412

“Living Full-Out, I am a Stand for Infinite Possibility,  
inspiring and leading 1,000's of others to live their dreams." SHG

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