Subject: Don't Do This!

Hi Friend ,

I started this with saying "Don't do this!" Here's a couple of DON'TS

and DO's.


DON'T ignore email marketing, or worse, ignore your list.

Thanks for subscribing to my list...wherever you came from,

I appreciate you!

Do you let monkey chatter about what to write to your list to be

valuable or meaningful?

DON'T let mental monkey chatter stop you.

I know that I get over 100 emails per day and don't even see

most of them, so why should you open mine? What criteria

do you use to open yours? Why should people open yours?

There are certain people I open every time I see.

Some people I never open, and then eventually delete altogether.

DO be real.

DO offer something of value in every email.

DO suggest an action to take from your email. (Read to the end to see it.)

Learning to send effective emails is a critical skill, whether you

intend to be an affiliate marketer or offer products/services of your own,

or offer products from a network marketing company.

DON'T worry about doing it perfectly or all your early mistakes.

Keep on DOing it. And

DO learn from experts and emails that attract YOU.

With that said, I realize that I didn't properly invite you all to an

awesome Global Secret Sauce Academy Summit that I was

privileged to be an invited speaker.

My talk was called,
"75 Years of an Extraordinary Life--Is it Your Time?"

It tells you my story...and the lessons learned from major

turning points in life. Do you know the value of your story?

With Love and Light, Sharon H Gist

I appreciate you. I know your time is valuable, so I want to stay

connected, while honoring your time and making each email have

value for you.

I'm always open to feedback and read every email you send.

Have an amazing day!

P.S. If you'd like to talk about your current situation, or to brainstorm

what's happening via zoom, please set an appointment below for a chat:

Sharon Gist,

 Text:  702 979 8412
Please send a friend request if we're not already Facebook friends.

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“Living Full-Out, I am a Stand for Infinite Possibility,  
inspiring and leading 1,000's of others to live their dreams." SHG

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