Subject: Are you happy going into 2023?

Hi Friend 

Happpppppy New Year to you!

Are you feeling Happy as we end 2022?

I was talking with one of my marketing coaches and friends the other day and said, "I realize that I am happier now than I can remember ever being."

He said, "You should tell that to your list."

Hmmmn...that was almost 2 weeks ago.

I promised to myself that I would NOT let this day go by without sending you this email.

As we enter into 2023, what's changed to create so much joy and vitality?

As I turn 77 years old in a few days, what could cause my happiness to soar off the charts?

Frankly, it's largely Choice. And Noticing. Where is my attention?

I choose to live in a state of Gratitude...not only for all the myriad blessings in life, but for every every everything!

Many of you know that my mentor for several years is Sean G Murphy...he teaches us how to tap into the extraordinary super powers of Joy, Gratitude, to become more doing less. And I know that undergirding it all is Love.

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches us a formula for tapping into the Quantum Field to manifest our dreams. Sean teaches how to embrace uncertainty, discomfort to see the gifts that are embedded. Dr. Joe teaches how to go a step further and live into our unknown, uncertain, unknowable vision of the future. In love. And gratitude.

"Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership." Dr. Joe

This email could go on forever...instead, let me just offer my sincerest love and appreciation for each and every one of you in my life.

Whatever stories we have told ourselves, 2023 is the year to break into

Ecstatic Joy

Exquisite inner and outer Fr-eedm

Extraordinary Weath, from inside out

...and I am committed to document some the NEW stories that could help you too.

Come play with me!

Let me touch your hearts. Share with me some of your pains and joys to get more of what you want and less of what you don't want.

Have an extraordinary NEW New Year.

I love you.


p.s. Gosh. I know that trust is difficult to build and can be lost in a heartbeat, so I apologize for the inconsistency of communication and maintaining that trust. Hopefully you have opened this and are willing to forgive me. (And if you have opened, but don't want to hear from me again, please just unsubscribe instead of sending me to s-pm.)

p.p.s. I intend to share more often this year some wisdom gained, as well as some of the extraordinary opportunities I come across to assist you in achieving your dreams. And your Joy.

 Text:  702 979 8412

“Living Full-Out, I am a Stand for Infinite Possibility,  
inspiring and leading 1,000's of others to live their dreams." SHG

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