It's busy on Flamig Farm!
This morning Flamig Farm is buzzing with activity.  Julie is in the office with Debbie, Kris, Karyn and Bruce.  The Eggroom is getting cleaned and organized.  We're preparing to set up the Tower Gardens (an amazing way to grow lots of 'beyond organic' vegetables in a small space) and getting ready for our baby chick display.  Bruce from a company called Pixel and Dot, that he and his fiancé started, is getting our computers spiffed up and is working on an amazing website display of our 'EGGS Around the World' photos.  We're planning a big celebration for when we sell our one millionth shirt!  (When you travel send us a picture of someone in your group in an EGGS shirt or hat, and join the very special photo collection.)

Mark is designing and building new nest boxes for our mature hens in which to lay eggs.  Yesterday we moved 193 of our hens out of the downstairs chicken coop to a new place in the petting zoo so they will be able to go outside daily and play in the sunshine and dig in the dirt.  We will now be able easily to mow some of the lawn on the farm, collect the grass clippings and dump them over the fence so the chickens will be getting their salad every day.  I'm expecting the yokes of their eggs to become much darker once the hens are eating their nutritious greens every day.

Rya is fixing up a few spots in the 'corn crib' where starlings have been able to sneak into our new aviary and steal food.  They will now have to move on and find their own.  No more free lunch!

Christopher is running water lines to various farm animal residents.  Now that we're past the danger of frozen pipes, he will have to carry far fewer buckets of water, and he's definitely looking forward to that.

This afternoon 400 twenty-week old pullets are arriving. They are young, red hens that will begin to lay eggs soon.  They start off laying small eggs that are absolutely delicious!  'Bigger is better' has kind of been the rage in America, but that is certainly not necessarily true for eggs.  These small, beautiful, tasty, nutritious eggs won't be around for long so I recommend you try some while we have them.

Come and visit any time; we're now open 7 days a week.  And as you'll see below, our annual grand opening and Earth Day Celebration is April 23rd. We're doing as much as we can to make your visit to Flamig Farm even more enjoyable than in the past.  

Happy Spring!
Farmer Nevin

Beautiful. Nutritious and Yellow.
Early spring color. First food for the bees.
Kids love to blow their seeds.
A healing plant that fills many needs.

Nasty yellow invader.
Nastier than Darth Vader.
How dare they interrupt my beautiful carpet of green?

I do not want them to be seen on my  lawn.
What would the neighbors say?

Bees and dandelions are important.  We need to take care of them and the entire web of life that is nature.  We are not separate from nature.  Our lives are interwoven, inseparable.  When we dump poisons on our lawns to kill the dandelions, we will eventually be drinking that water.  How silly our attitudes can be.  It's time to do our better to take are of Mother Earth and all her creatures.

EARTH DAY, Saturday April 23th
Please join us for our annual celebration of our beautiful planet. The Petting Zoo will be open with lots of baby animals. We'll have hay rides, pony and horse rides. There will be vendor booths, music and food....certainly something for everyone of all ages. Our usual admission fee will be discounted. because we want all our guests to share the joy and feel welcome.

Superman, pictured here, is a Canada Goose who arrived at our Farm late in 2014. His wings are a bit messed up. We were told that he lived in a neighborhood with a pond where he was hatched and lived with his mom and dad. Winter was coming, and it was time to fly south. Mom and dad knew they had to leave to survive the winter. Superman's wings didn't allow flight, so they had to leave without their beloved son. Luckily, the pond owners brought him to us so he could have a safe home not requiring migration.

Supposedly his wings developed incorrectly because he was fed too much bread as a gosling and that caused the problems with his wing formation. I wonder it if was Wonder Bread.  I wonder if it had been good, organic, whole grain bread it he would have been OK. I wonder if Wonder Bread even still exists.

Another thing I heard from a petting zoo visitor today is that the color of a hen's earlobe is the same color as her eggs. I caught a Americana chicken that lays light greenish blue eggs to see what color her earlobes were. I couldn't tell   because her ears were full of beautiful brown and gold feathers that I couldn't begin to see through.

I don't have the time to research either of these things right now, but being a constant seeker of truth I'd love to hear from anyone who has the inside scoop on these bird questions.

Why not make your child's next birthday celebration a truly memorable occasion for your family and friends?  Host it at Flamig Farm.  You'll have your own Farm Guide for a tour of the Petting Zoo and opportunities to feed the animals.  Enjoy our private party room for your refreshments and festivities.  And to make the day picture perfect, choose pony rides for the children or a tractor driven hay ride for your guests of all ages. For more information and to book a date, please call 860.658.2975.
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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