Subject: Summertime, Summertime, SUMSUM Summertime

Relax and plan summer fun.
Hello Flamig Farm Friends,
Things are hoppin on the farm, and we don't just mean the bunnies.  Summer Adventure Camp is safely underway, visitors are enjoying the open air and wonderfully cheerful animals.  Come join us.

Farmers Nevin, Julie, Pete and Chadam

So, speaking of summer here are some things that we believe make summer the joyful time that it is.  What things would you list as best about summer?  _______________________
#1 Super Long Days
Sunset at 10pm? Not a problem. Sunrise at 6am? Bring it on. Summer is the ideal season to undust your New Year’s resolution and try one more time with the weather on your side.
Are you thinking about going running in the morning? Or working on your sidekick after work? This is your best chance to push yourself and make it happen.
#2 Summer Thunderstorms
Who wouldn’t look forward to the fresh and uplifting air after a tremendous heat wave? Summer thunderstorms just clear the heavy air like a charm, nothing can compare to them!
#3 Ice Cream
I bet there is no explanation needed. Simply, hot weather is at your disposal as a perfect excuse for buying yet another ice cream.
#4 Patios with Cozy Lights
Sitting at the patio with cozy lights is just so romantic! Look at the sky and rediscover the transcending beauty of life's unforgettable  moments.
#5 Fruits and Vegetables
With the beautiful weather in this season, fruits and vegetables suddenly become more delicious. No wonder, it’s the tasty freshness that this wonderful season brings!
#6 Napping in a Hammock
When the temperatures hit high, a comfy hammock beneath the trees represents the ideal place of refuge. Besides, there is no better way to bring the word ‘chill’ to the next level.
#7 Beach + Sea = Happiness

When talking about summer, one cannot not mention the beach and sea with this peculiar word. Summer, beach, and sea are like three sisters with happiness on their side.
#8 Cocktails and Drinks with Little Paper Umbrellas
Let’s chill and relax, summer’s here. And what will enhance the mood better than a colorful drink with an umbrella on the top?
#9 Starry Nights
It's a great feeling to imagine the size and mystery of the heavens.  Sometimes feeling small can put things into perspective.
#10 A Visit to Flamig Farm
Where else can you learn and laugh in a safe environment which will remind you of life's simple things...the biggest blessings of all?
Does your joy in the summer season get a little rush from a special thought?  Here are a couple we like.
"Some of the best memories are made in flip flops." 
Kellie Elmore

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.
St. Francis of Assisi

"A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing, and the lawn mower is broken." 
James Den

Nevin's Noodlings

There is a story about a Chinese gentleman whose son fell off a horse and broke his leg. All the village people came by and expressed how sorry they were that he would have such bad luck with his son. He said well maybe bad luck , maybe not. The next day the Chinese army came and took all the young men that were healthy enough to go fight in the war. The young man with a broken leg was not able to go so it turns out that breaking his leg was lucky. The story goes on with various scenarios like this and shows what appears to be bad, given time, turns out to be good.

My stroke in early April and more recently an accident with the draft horses which left me with five broken ribs and a broken clavicle could be seen as something terrible. But we are looking at it as all is for some wonderful reason. I could have been paralyzed or dead and neither one of those things happened. Perhaps I'll get the message that it’s time to slow down a little bit.

Julie, Pete and Chadam are all working amazingly to keep this farm running great. Community support has been phenomenal, and we are so thankful for our blessings.

Summer camp is running smoothly as we do our best to follow the new COVID guidelines, and our petting zoo certainly has enough space for people to social distance so they are allowed to attend without wearing masks. It’s a beautiful sight to see people walking around outdoors without masks smiling at all the animals and one another as long as they stay 6 feet apart. We are asking people coming into the store to wear masks.

People have been asking about Halloweeen Hayrides and Breakfast with Santa. At this point in time we have no idea what we will or will not be allowed to do then, so touch base with us and we’ll figure it out as time goes on.

I thank you all for your continued support and please except our best wishes for your family’s health wealth and happiness. 

Farmer Nevin
Thoughts from your Flamig Farm Farmers
We had a lovely dinner behind our house on the Farm the other night. Of course, our farm dogs, Ruby and Dude were there. With all the challenges we all have been facing in recent months our conversation turned to gratitude. Here is what we concluded.
--Gratitude helps us all put situations into perspective. When we open our eyes wide enough to see the good as well as the bad, it becomes more difficult to complain.
--Gratitude helps us realize all we have - and that it is enough. Being aware of blessings (in the midst of difficult situations) curbs our human tendency to simply want more all the time.
--Gratitude is the music of the heart. Gratitude makes us happier people.
--Gratitude gives us strength, reduces stress, and, improves outlook. Gratitude transforms the routine into joy; and causes the ordinary to become extraordinary.
--Gratitude is the ultimate spiritual practice.

Hope these thoughts resonate with you as they do with us.

The Christensen family, Nevin, Julie, Pete and Chadam


Our Adventure Camp sessions so far this season have been wonderful.  Following CT state guidelines and under the auspices of our registered, on site nurse, all the campers, staff and visitors have been safe and healthy.  If you have kids who would like to join us, there may still be a few openings for remaining sessions.  

Please call our office to inquire. 860.658.5070.
Enjoy some pictures from the farm this month.  Add your own caption!
Call the office to check in on all the fun that's on the Farm this summer.  

Maybe come for lunch!
(See below.)
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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