Subject: Star Light, Star Bright, Many Stars You'll see Tonight

June's NIGHT SKY  
is Amazing!
Dear Farm Friends,
This issue of EggsPress is dedicated to stars.  June nights are always beautiful and many times cool and clear: perfect for star gazing.  Did you know two amazing facts about stars?
1) After our own sun in our solar system, the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri. It is about 4.2 'light years' away. This means it takes light from this star 4.2 years to reach Earth. Using the newest, fastest space probe propulsion systems would still take a craft about 75,000 years to get there.

2)  There are approximately 200-400 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy alone.  But there are 100 billion galaxies in the universe, many much bigger than ours.  Dare you to try to envision, therefore, just how many stars there are out there?

Read below to learn our #1 recommendation for star gazing in June.  But sky stars aren't the only bright beauties over, on or around Flamig Farm.  Read on to learn about all of our very own STARS!

Please come and visit to see or be one of our special stars.  The season is in full swing, and your favorite Farm animals and our new arrivals - babies of all types - are waiting to greet you.  We're open every day, and there is always something perfect to see and do.

Farmers, Julie, Nevin, Pete and Chadam
Leo the Lion

The Leo constellation is easy to find in the summer sky because some of its brightest stars form an 'asterism' known as the Sickle, which looks like a backwards question mark. In the sky, the six bright stars that form the shape of a sickle represent the lion’s head, and the brightest star in the constellation, Regulus (Alpha Leonis), marks the beast’s heart.
Flamig Farm Flowers

Thanks to Farmer Julie, Flamig Farm sparkles with ground-based stars, the amazing flowers found all over the Farm.  In window boxes and planters, in gardens everywhere you turn, you won't want to miss our gorgeous, colorful, fragrant creations that ask you and your family to pose with them and snap a memorable photo. 

Flamig Farm Characters

What would Flamig Farm be without the wonderful friends, actors, jokers and and sweethearts who populate the petting zoo?  Meet them, offer them a taste of grain, and look into the eyes of the most innocent and beautiful stars you'll ever see.  Your children will learn a lot from them about how to be a loving and honest member of a community.

And of course, 
campers and our guests
Flamig Farm welcomes day guests, over night guests, wedding guests, holiday and event guests throughout all the seasons.  Each year hundreds of folks, including over 600 campers (toddlers, preteens and teens) share in our vision for the future: we aim to demonstrate and educate people about how we can live more harmoniously with nature here on Mother Earth.

Please continue to be among our stars, and help us light up the world.
We improved the Flamig Farm duck pond.

Farmer Pete got it done. The 2 inch drain pipe on the old duck pond was not quite up to the task. A few wood chips combined with a bit of duck poop had made it a constant struggle to keep the drain open to drain the dirty water and refill the pond with nice clean water for the ducks. They sure can make it dirty in a short time so the situation had to be remedied. 

 Some people in this case, instead of using the word “situation,” might have called the clogging pipe a “problem.” The word problem is no longer in the vocabulary of all of us at Flamig Farm. The words that we use instead of the “P” word are Situation, Challenge or Opportunity. None of them has the negative connotation that the “P” word carries with it. A situation is just something that you need to address. Nothing bad about it. A challenge is something that tests you and your creative problem solving capacities. It can be exciting. An opportunity can offer growth and learning to make something better. All words carry different energies with them and paying attention to the words one uses can change the way you feel.

Next time you want to use the “P” word, try something a little different?
Want  to spend some time on 
Heaven's Front Porch?
Does a gorgeous, very remote cabin in the Northwoods of Maine on Moosehead Lake sound like a nice place to spend some quiet time with some loved ones? Solar panels and batteries with a backup generator provide the electricity. A propane refrigerator keeps things cold (even Ice cream) and makes ice using good old fashioned ice cube trays. A beautiful Amish made water heater provides plenty of hot water for piping hot showers. Wood stoves provide heat and a firepit about 25 feet from the lake provides a great place to spend time.

No neighbors except for Moose, bears , eagles and loons.

Julie and Nevin have been blessed to be the caretakers of this incredible property on Spencer Bay, and it is available for rent in July and early August and into September.

3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, kitchen /dining area with fireplace, living room with game table for cards and puzzles. Kayaks, a row boat, and a lovely floating dock are ready to use. You can bring a boat if you have one.

This place is a great place to renew your peace of mind and refresh your soul.

NO WIFI ! Cell phones do work . Leave the electronics at home and spend time with the people you cherish.

We love this place and just as we are happy to share our farm with you we are glad to be able to offer you some time in this beautiful setting.

Come and relax, heal, celebrate at a very special place we call 


To learn more email: or call 860-658-5070 extension 2.
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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