Subject: Make 2020 a Great Year

Welcome to the January 2020 Issue of EggsPress, Flamig Farm's Newsletter

Dear Farm Friends,

Julie, Pete, Chadam and I wish you all the best in the New Year.  This issue has three themes:

1)  SMILE (Newsletter Part 1)

2)  BE GOOD TO YOURSELF (Newsletter Part 2)


Please enjoy, be well and help the planet.

Farmer Nevin

PS May this new year bring your dreams to reality and all of your efforts to great achievement!  See you April 1 when we have our Grand Reopening.
Newsletter Part 1
Have a laugh with the pictures below.  May they bring you a fun thought and a smile.  Some are from our Farm, some have become favorites that friends have sent us.

Q. What do you call a pony with a sore throat?

Answer. A little hoarse.

Share a smile.
Which is silliest?
Newsletter Part 2
Here are some ideas which might help you find a 2020 resolution or new way to make your life more fun, more rewarding.  
Add your own caption about your New Year resolution!
Be more grateful. 
There are studies that show that gratitude can make you measurably happier.  Keep a 'GRATEFUL JOURNAL.'
Be more positive.
 Having a positive attitude opens your mind to new possibilities, makes you more resilient and can even help you live longer!

Read more books.  
Check out a list of 'bucket books' on line and choose one.

Learn a new skill. 
What have you always wanted to learn to do? Take advantage of all the information that exists out there and reach 2021 with a new ability. 

Volunteering can give you a sense of purpose and self-esteem.

Enjoy the little things.
Living life to the fullest doesn't just mean setting goals.  It also includes learning to appreciate life's simple pleasures such as walking barefoot in the grass, hugging a puppy, or star gazing.
Be kinder to yourself.  
Set a resolution to believe in yourself, respect yourself, and treat yourself well.

Spend more time in nature.
Humans were not made to be cooped up inside during the day.  Being out in nature makes you happier, boosts your immune system and even makes you more creative.

Some of the above ideas are credited to Marelisa Fabrega, a lawyer and entrepreneur. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., as well as a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center. You can find out more about these ideas if you look her up on the internet.
Newsletter Part 3
From the father-son team of Flamig Farm managers come important ideas on how we can heal and protect the planet.  We invite you to read more below.
Pete's Ponderings
Hi All,
2019 was a great year on Flamig Farm.  I am honored to be involved in its continued growth and, as always, teaching and practicing ways for us all to protect our environment.  So let me offer you some more food for thought about being green.

The challenge: Three-quarters of the world’s coffee farms grow their plants in the sun, destroying forests that birds and other wildlife need for food and shelter. Sun-grown coffee also often requires using environmentally harmful pesticides and fertilizers. On the other hand, shade-grown coffee preserves a forest canopy that helps migratory birds survive the winter.
The CAUSE: Too few consumers are aware of the problems of sun coffee. 
The SOLUTION: Be sure you purchase only shade-grown coffee: It’s a win-win-win: it’s delicious, reduces pesticide-driven soil pollution, and helps more than 42 species of North American migratory songbirds including orioles, warblers, and thrushes that winter in coffee plantations, .


I, Farmer Nevin, have found a new PASSION and am off on a grand adventure to CHANGE THE WORLD.

20 or so years ago I met a wonderful man named Josh Tickell , who wrote the book “From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank”. Josh became my mentor in those those days when I began to make my own (relatively carbon neutral) diesel fuel from used vegetable oil.

Anyone who eats food, or is concerned about drinking clean water, or eating nutrient dense food, or the desertification of planet earth, or flooding or wildfires or cares about health,( your own or health on a much larger scale) , should read Josh Tickell’s latest book KISS THE GROUND.

In the book you’ll learn about REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE and “how the food you eat can reverse climate change, heal your body & ultimately save our world”. And soon to be released is a movie
that explores the first viable, low-cost way to reverse climate change through (drum roll)... Soil. When cared for properly, soil (a.k.a. "dirt") has the potential to sequester much of the carbon dioxide that humans have emitted into the atmosphere. There's only one catch: our modern, industrialized, monocrop-based agriculture is killing the microbial life in the soil that does the carbon sequestering ("biosequestration"). But there's hope. A radical group of scientists, farmers, ranchers, activists, and government types are banding together in a global movement toward a new type of agriculture called "regenerative farming" that increases soil life, stores water and sequesters CO2. These people come from diverse backgrounds, but they share a common commitment - to heal the world's soils before it's too late. KISS THE GROUND is the story of a powerful solution to one of humanity's greatest challenges.  Please visit You Tube and type in 'trailer for Kiss the Ground movie.'  You will be very glad you did.

I have recently signed up with KISSTHEGROUND.ORG for its Speaker Training Webinar series, (equivalent of a college course, which students can actually use for credits toward their major), to become a “soil advocate” so stay tuned, and you will hear much more from me on this topic.

I am willing and eager to talk on this subject so if I may be of service to you please get in touch through the farm office: or 860-658-5070.

This is “gonna” be IMPORTANT!!!!! Take your POWER! Join the MOVEMENT!


Your Little One Will Thank You!

Two and three year-olds attend with a caregiver for a morning of farm fun. Each session includes some craft and activity time, a circle with story and songs, a visit with one of our animals and a pony or hayride. Admission to the petting zoo is included so you can enjoy the farm more before or after your session.

Siblings under age 2 are free to attend... Please NO siblings older than child enrolled

2020 April Classes
• Classes run from 9:30-10:45 am or 10:45-12:00 pm
• Dates for Mondays in April 6, 13, 20 and 27 with Farmer Donna
• Dates for Tuesdays in April 7, 14, 21 and 28 with Farmer Donna
• Dates for Wednesdays in April 8, 15, 22 and 29 with Farmer Pete
• The cost is $100 for 4 weeks.

2020 May Classes
• Classes run from 9:30-10:45 am or 10:45-12:00 pm
• Dates for Mondays in May 4, 11 and 18 with Farmer Donna (cost is $75 for 3 weeks)
• Dates for Tuesdays in May 5, 12, 19 and 26 with Farmer Donna (cost is $100 for 4 weeks)
• Dates for Wednesdays in May 6, 13, 20 and 27 with Miss Chasity (cost is $100 for 4 weeks)

For more information visit Flamig or call our office at 860.658.5070.
A generation or two ago almost everyone had the opportunity to experience farm life either daily by living on a farm or spending time on Grandma and Grandpa's or Auntie and Uncle's farm during the summer. At Flamig Farm's Summer Camp Farm Adventure we offer kids a unique and rare experience that introduces them to what a farm is all about.

Thank you for your interest in Flamig Farm Summer Camp Adventure. Kids return year after year to Flamig Farm Camp because we provide campers with a unique experience they remember for a lifetime. They experience what goes on at our farm, including:
• Feeding and caring for animals
• Organic gardening
• Gathering eggs
• Tractor/Horse drawn hay rides
• Pony and Horse rides
• Making a famous "EGGS" tie-dye shirt which is a special summer memento
• Hikes to mountainside streams, fields and mulch/compost piles
We offer seven one-week sessions in June, July, and August for children age 5 through 14 from 9AM to 1PM Monday through Friday. Snack and lunch are provided.

This year our "Farm Hands" group will be made up of 7-13 year olds and "Little Farmers" group, 5 & 6 years old. This will give both groups the freedom to play and learn at their own level.

For more information visit Flamig or call our office at 860.658.5070.
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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