Subject: LIVE, LAUGH, FARM...even in the winter


Dear Flamig Farm Visitors and Fans,

Best wishes to all of you as we begin a brand new year. We take this opportunity to thank you for being our very special FARM FRIENDS. Sharing our animals, our pride in our work, and our beautiful acreage with you are blessings for which we are very grateful.

In this month's EggsPress newsletter, we thought we would share some current activities, and we'd have some fun thoughts about how we can all make it a great year. Of course, new year resolutions can be serious, but please join us in thinking about them with smiles.

Sincerely, your Flamig Farm Friends,

Julie, Nevin, Chadam and Pete

Flamig Farm Is closed for the season, and this winter is a little bit muddy. Julie’s incredible window boxes and gardens are all gone. We’re looking forward to spring and the beauty of green grass, flowers and the return of people’s smiling faces as they visit the animals who right now are wondering “where is everyone?”. Well, here's the scoop...


We may be closed but the activity at the farm does not stop. The big red chicken coop of ours was completed in 1952. It was a design that I believe came from the USDA and due to its almost flat roof, keeping the roof from leaking has required a bit more effort than more steeply sloped roofs. Many of the “chicken coops” of this vintage and design have leaked water, rotted and either fell or have been torn down.

We have rebuilt much of the coop, and recently we repaired the upstairs east floor. The boards after nearly 70 years of being covered with chicken manure were getting “fully depreciated”. Pete, Chadam and their friend Colin installed a layer of plywood to secure the floor. Here are a couple before and after pictures although the workers were unwilling to smile at the camera.


Another project we are working on is building benches on a haywagon frame that we bought. We’ve had input that some people are unable or unwilling to or just don’t like to sit on a flatbed wagon in a pile of hay. We are still working on the final design but when it’s done it should enable people to sit in what we hope are comfortable benches and go for a ride through our beautiful farm.


Next we have some generators for sale. We haven’t done Halloweeen Hayrides since Covid, but when we did we had several generators running in the woods to power the different skits.

At times in the winter during ice, snow or wind storms that caused power failures we would lend these generators to our friends in need.

At this point in time we have enough other things to maintain and have no need for this many generators and have decided to sell some. We have four 2000 watt Inverter generators ($200 each), two larger Titan Generators, a 7500 W, and a 9000 W. (If you’re interested in these last-listed ones, we will figure out a price.)

Give Nevin a call (860-916-0644) if you’re in the market for a generator.

As to resolutions, we'll go first. Here are a couple of our important new year resolutions for our Farm, including a message for one of our residents...

And how about some smile inducing ideas for you?

Forget your juice cleanses. Hang up your jump ropes and boxing gloves. Put that credit card down and forget about buying that expensive gym membership or personal life coach. Sure those things can be helpful, but for many of us, who are either burnt out on resolutions altogether or have to disguise them with words like “goals” or “new hobby,” we think the new year should be fun and not bum us out as much as the last two seasons of the pandemic have.

Let’s look at 2023 as an opportunity to take on a bucket list of ways to make ourselves and our families experience even more joy or at the very least, laugh a little bit, maybe even at ourselves for how much we want to make resolutions.

Here's a start on some smile-inducing resolutions:    

--Order every drink on the Starbucks Menu.

--Flamingo a friend’s yard for their birthday -- or an anniversary.

--Treat your car to frequent carwashes.

--Drink your coffee while it’s hot.

Hey, it's just around the corner. If you have little ones in your family, don't miss out.


Two and three year-olds attend with a caregiver for a morning of farm fun. Each session includes some craft and activity time, a circle with story and songs, a visit with one of our animals and a pony or hayride. Admission to the petting zoo is included so you can enjoy the farm more before or after your session.

Siblings under age 2 are free to attend... Please NO siblings older than child enrolled

2023 April Classes

  • • Classes run from 9:30-10:45 am or 11:15-12:30 pm

  • • Dates for Tuesdays are April 4, 11, 18 and 25 at 9:30-10:45 with Farmer Debbie (cost is $110 for 4 weeks)

  • • Dates for Thursdays are April 6 ,13, 20 and 27 with Farmer Kate from 9:30-10:45 am (cost i s $110 for 4 weeks)

2023 April Classes

  • • Classes run from 10:00-11:15 am or 11:15-12:30 pm

  • • Dates for Wednesdays are April 5, 12, 19 and 26 with Farmer Stella(cost is $110 for 4 weeks)

Call the Farm Office (860.658.5070) for more information.


  • • Classes run from 11:15-12:45 PM

  • • Children have a fabulous time exploring the farm more in depth as we focus on a different animal each week. Our time together will include a craft or activity, farm chore, visit with the animals, story and song time and lots of fun! Children may attend without a caregiver, but caregivers are welcome.

  • • Price to attend is $150 (4 Classes)

  • 2023 April Classes

    • • Dates for Tuesdays are April 5, 12, 19 and 26 with Debbie Lane (cost is $150 for 4 weeks)

    • • Dates for Thursdays are April 6, 13, 20 and 27 with Farmer Kate (cost is $150 for 4 weeks)

Interested in Flamig Farm Summer Camp Adventure?

Inquire soon as sessions are already filling up!

Kids return year after year to Flamig Farm Camp because we provide campers with a unique experience they remember for a lifetime. They experience what goes on at our farm, including:

  • • Feeding and caring for animals

  • • Organic gardening

  • • Gathering eggs

  • • Tractor/Horse drawn hay rides

  • • Pony and Horse rides

  • • Making a famous "EGGS" tie-dye shirt which is a special summer memento

  • • Hikes to mountainside streams, fields and mulch/compost piles

We offer seven one-week sessions in June, July, and August for children age 6 through 14 from 9AM to 1PM Monday through Friday. Snack and lunch are provided.

State Camp Health Form

And, as we always do, let's end with a smile.