Subject: Greetings from your Friends at Flamig Farm

Still in full swing at Flamig Farm
Lots of things are happening on the Farm

If you were able to join us for our famous Halloweeen Hayrides (yes we spell it with three Es), you know how much fun they were for everyone.  Now, as you'll read below, we switch into late season activities and are planning for our Breakfast with Santa shows.  The farm animals are bedding down for a cozy winter and have brought much joy to our Petting Zoo visitors this year.

All the best of the season to you and your friends and family!
Farmers Nevin and Julie

Breakfast with Santa

Come share the magic of the holidays.

The picture at the left captures our sweet Farm pup, Ruby, who jumped in Santa'sgift sack at last year's breakfast.  That's just a small sample of the fun we invite you to join this year.  Tickets are now on sale for our Breakfast with Santa shows.  Dates are December 5, 6, 12, 13, 19,  and 20.  For details and ticket purchases, visit  And we do tend to sell out well before the shows, so please buy your tickets now so you won't be disappointed later.    

Come meet Santa and Mrs. Claus, several Elves, Frosty and Mr. Grinch.  (We do have some Non-Grinch seatings for small children who might have trouble with the big Green Guy.)  Breakfast of scrambled EGGS, sausage, pancakes, home fries and fruit will be served along with juice coffee, tea and hot chocolate.

Bring your camera (or nowadays perhaps it's more appropriate to say bring your phone).  Wait. It's probably not even necessary to say that because who goes anywhere these days without a cell? :)  Anyway, there will be some great  photo opportunities with Santa as he gives your child a toy.  Then you can join a trolley ride with Frosty for a holiday sing-along to "Reindeer Land" where you might even see Rudolph fly!

Many years ago I was poised to have what could have been a not-so-good Christmas.  Alone on the farm, divorced and broke with no way to buy Christmas presents for my kids, I was peddling firewood scrounged from our compost pile.  While driving down my driveway, I saw a shiny, clean Ford Crown Victoria at my house with a well-dressed guy in an overcoat at my door.  All I could think was - Sheriff!  Great, now I'm getting sued for something to add to the fun...

The sheriff said, "I'm looking for Nevin Christensen."  I said, "That's me...why did I win the lottery?"  "I don't think so," he said as he handed me a paper to sign.  Then he handed me a large envelope, which I was sure did not contain good news, and he quickly got in his car and drove away.

I opened the large envelope and found a smaller inside; the return address on it was S. CLAUS, NORTH POLE.  Inside that envelope was a letter reporting a 'slight' flight plan error and that our presents could not be located.  It continued:

'So if you could do Santa a favor and buy your own Christmas presents it would certainly save me the aggravation of putting up with the grouchy elves.  Mrs. Claus and I hope that the enclosed cash is sufficient to cover your family's Christmas lists.'


Santa and Mrs. Claus, Christmas 1994

There was $1,000 cash in the envelope.  I questioned everyone I could think of to thank them, but no one confessed.  "I wish I had done it, but it wasn't me," was the most common response.  THANK YOU, Santa, I am a believer!

I have the letter in my hands as I write this, and I think I just added a couple of happy, tears-of-joy stains to it.

Have a joyful holiday season everyone.

Employees of the Month

"Admission is $5 per person.  Under age 2 is free and 80 years and up is free.  And if you'd like a cup of grain to feed the animals, that's $1."  Try saying that thousands of times to people and still have a smile on y9our face.

Then try saying, "Excuse Me!  If you're going to the Petting Zoo there's a $5 admission charge" to visitors who, in spite of the big A-frame sign in the pathway and the signs on the barn saying 'Please check in here' walk right by the window looking the other way and doing their best to be invisible.

"And, yes, your Nanny is a person too, even though she's 'just' watching your children and won't be be looking at the animals, $5 please."  Now say that with a smile on your face to the person who just got out of her Cadillac while keeping the thought in your mind (if you can afford a Nanny, you can probably afford $5 to help feed the animals).

By the way, as you're doing that you need to answer the phone, sell dozens of eggs, be a fashion consultant as to the right size or color EGGS shirts, stock paper towels, empty the garbage, sweep and vacuum, water plants, order supplies, keep the Farm web site up to speed, fill the soap dispensers, mop up water when we have monsoon rains that flood the floor, keep the computer point-of-sale system working, AND answer questions about camp, animals, Halloween hayrides, pony rides, birthday parties, why some eggs are blue and whether we adopt homeless roosters.  Other oft-heard questions include:
- Why is the EGGS sign backwards?
- Why DID the chicken cross the road?
- Did you know that my 'good friend,' Neville, says things for sale here in the store are free for me because I know him so well?  (That 'good friend's' name is Nevin.)

All part of the job of our two amazing people Julie and I call our "Front Runners/Office Managers/FRIENDS.'  Debbie and Kris are amazing at the number of things they do and how well they do it.  It looks like a simple little farm on the outside, but there is nothing simple about it.  Administration and paperwork tasks are never-ending. There is non-stop communication and scheduling to make sure someone is always available for hayrides or pony rides and parties.  Just that alone would be more than I could handle.  My darling wife, Julie, along with Deb and Kris have created a truly remarkable team that do an unbelievable job at keeping everything organized and operating superbly.

I sometimes get a small taste of what goes on in the office if one of them has to step out for a few minutes to water something or check on something in the Petting Zoo.  I can get very overwhelmed alone in there within a very short time.  Thank goodness Deb and Kris are smart!  They will not leave me alone for very long.

Deb and  Kris take pride in the farm and really care.  Deb's son, Evan, a gentle giant of a guy, leads birthday party groups around the Farm, does pony rides and can drive our biodiesel powered John Deere 5300 with a hay wagon loaded with people.

Kris' beautiful daughters, Cassidy and Megan, help with summer camp, do some magic on the computers that only the 'younger generation' can sometimes do, as well as pony rides and helping in the Petting Zoo.

We are blessed to have Kris and Deb and invite you to join me (as least figuratively) in a round of applause, which I am actually doing right now.

Thanks 'Guys!'

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Animal of the Month

Some of you may have met, Sassy, our wonderful, friendly cat who lives in our EggRoom store. But if not, allow us to introduce you now.

Sassy arrived here two years ago; she needed a home, and the Farm gave her a big welcome. This year Sassy has given us eight kittens, bundles of joy who have brought smiles to all our visitors. All of her kittens have been adopted by wonderful homes. In fact, there was a waiting list for the babies. We couldn't part with two of her kittens, so Joe and Jane are now living at Flamig Farm. You can see Sassy, Joe and Jane, as well as our other feline farm denison, Al, whenever you visit the store.

By the way, Sassy is now spayed; we appropriately spay/neuter our felines to ensure there are no unwanted kittens. Flamig Farm supports wise and responsible pet ownership, and that includes ensuring no babies are without a forever home.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts

We are thrilled and honored that the feedback from camper families regarding our 2015 Flamig Farm Summer Camp Adventure was overwhelmingly positive. For instance, 96% were very satisfied with the overall camp experience, and 92% would 'HIGHLY recommend' our camp. According to the feedback, families were also very pleased with safety, fun, learning, food, counselors and communications. Since even great camps like ours can always improve, in 2016 we are using this valued feedback to enhance counselor training (some parents want more one-on-one conversation from counselors), and we will offer even more lunch and snack options next summer. Please join us again or for the first time.

We send sincere thanks to all who attended and all who shared their important impressions. Looking forward to a wonderful 2016!
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Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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