Subject: Flamig Farm is in full Swing (and Spring)!

EggsPress May 2016
Hello Farm Friends,

Everyone here on the Farm is in a great mood!  Trees are budding, flowers are blooming, visitors are smiling, and farm babies are being born.  Wow, there is much that is new to see and enjoy.  
I think the simple poem below (author unknown), titled Spring Song, says it best:
Frogs croak
Rains soak
Chicks peep
Crickets leap
Bees hum
Robins come
Birds sing
It’s spring!

Please come and see us soon.  Pony rides now happen every weekend, and on June 4 (weather permitting) we are offering mule-drawn hayrides and draft horse rides.  Don't miss the fun.
Farmers Nevin and Julie

Meet our Farm Babies
Piglets, chicks, ducklings  and more...                                                          
Our Farm animal favorites such as Koda the draft horse, Abe the Alpaca, Superman the goose and Thunder the pony have been joined by dozens of new babies.  You can get up close, often being able to pet even the very littlest ones.  Bring the family and see first hand the beauty of these wonderful members of our Farm Family.                                       
Spring Garden Tips
Get growing!
Our Earth Products Division is open daily and provides top quality compost and mulch.  The compost, which we call 'super soil,' is perfect for all your garden needs, providing your flowers and vegetable with the nutrients they need to grow large and healthy very quickly.

Many of our customers have fun and gardening success with container gardens.  Here's a tip explaining why:

It's much easier to control your garden if it has definite boundaries. Containers provide the ultimate in control. You control the soil, water, exposure and even limit the growth of the plants in the container. Raised beds separate the garden beds from their surroundings. Ideally, lift the beds up by 6 inches or more. You'll have the benefits of controlling your borders, and you'll be saving your back from some bending. 

By the way, here's a fun fact to share with family and friends: the month of May is named after Maia, the Roman goddess of growth.                                                        
Hen Heaven
Good news for this birds!
 As you may know, we have a flock of laying hens numbering in the hundreds.  Some are a Rhode Island Red Cross and some are Ameraucana hens.  All are housed, as always, without cages, allowing them room to roam, stretch and interact naturally with the other birds.  And now we have created a very large open-air enclosure for them.  In it, they enjoy sunshine, fresh grass.  We are proud to have created a living space that now allows the birds to relax outside or inside, according to their own preference.


"If you want things in your life to change, you've got to change things in your life." (Teaching from the Global Information Network)

Flamig Farm just received 4.5 tons of Connecticut-grown, non-GMO feeds to offer our egg laying chickens and our petting zoo animals.  Non-GMO food, whether for animals or for you, avoids the heavy, dangerous pesticides poured on GMO plants.  Using non-GMO feed is one little step, one vote for a more sustainable, more local, healthier food system to speed up the transition to a more sane world.

Just recently our 400 new pullets (young hens) began laying eggs.  Pullet eggs are small when these young chickens begin laying them so you might need to eat an extra one or two for a meal, but the taste is out of this world!  The eggs from these hens who are now being fed safe, organic non-GMO are available at the Farm.  Please come and get them while they last.  Yummy!
Petunia wants you to know...
Mother pigs actually 'sing' to their piglets when nursing them.  As you may have heard, Petunia, our new sow (mom pig) recently gave birth to a big bunch of babies, and we have heard her sing to them.  Do stop by and see if you can catch her doing it.  Here's a short video of another pig singing to her babies in exactly the same way Petunia does it.

It's really a funny sight and sound.
Our 2016 Earth Day Celebration was a smashing success!  Around 1,700 people came to the Farm and enjoyed our petting zoo, hayrides, pony rides, draft horse rides, face painting, food vendors, solar displays, 'cars of the future here today' attraction including an all-electric Tesla Model S, a farm themed bounce house and lots more. 
Thank you to all of our staff and volunteers for doing a spectacular job of getting ready for and welcoming all who came.

Watch your email for exciting Farm News.  We will have a positive, important announcement in the next few weeks to share with you.
Thought you might enjoy as much as I do this seasonal quote from America's friend, Robin Williams.  He once said:

"It's spring, let's party!"
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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