Subject: February and YOU!

Dear Flamig Farm Friends,

First of all,  Happy Feb 14.  May the day be full of joy and love for you, your family and your friends. 

We hope you find this issue of EggsPress fun in two ways:
  1. Enjoy a little bit of history about the month of February, and
  2. Based on the source of its name (see below), try some of our suggestions for simplifying your life.  Can't we all use a bit of that?
And of course, please enjoy our regular topics from Farmers Pete and Nevin.

All the best!
Julie, Nevin, Pete and Chadam

All about February and YOU!
Some months are named after Roman leaders, like the month of August named for Augustus Caesar.  Other months like January are named after Roman gods.  For example the Roman God, Janus, had two faces and could look forward and backward, kind of like the first month of the year when in our minds and hearts we might look forward and backwards.  February was named after the Roman god Februus and from the Roman festival of purification called Februa.  

Februa, a time of purification?  Well one form of purification might be simplfying our lives. Here are five ideas to make your life simpler, clearer, and better:
  1. Set one new goal each month.  Doing so will hep you start new habits and achieve things you've been meaning to do for a long time.
  2. Carry a reusable water bottle everywhere.  We all know staying hydrated is super important, but it's so much easier to do AND BETTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT if you keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times.
  3. Follow a quick morning routine.  Here are two ideas to consider
    -Take a minute and visualize your perfect day, what it would look like if you accomplished all you want to do.
    -Do just 10 minutes of exercise before your morning shower.  You'll feel healthier, energized and accomplished.
  4. Don't waste time on being negative or focusing on "what ifs."  We all have things that happen to us that turn the day from good to bad.  Could be your car wouldn't start or someone whose actions or words have hurt you deeply. Having a negative reaction to something is only  natural, but it's what you do in these situations that can really impart your life (positively or negatively).  Moving past difficult things is just that, difficult, but finding ways to refocus your energy will help you get through your day and life in general.
  5. Start saying 'no' more often.  One of the ways we add clutter to our lives is by agreeing to more than we can actually handle.  So think about everything you said yes to in the past, and ask yourself these questions:
    -Did that bring me joy?
    -Did the benefit out way the stress it caused?
    -Was I able to make a meaningful, positive difference for myself or for someone else?
    Saying no once in a while is OK and may give you more time for what you truly want.
Pete's Ponderings
What can NUTS N BOLTS teach us?

My Dad (Farmer Nevin), my younger brother Chadam and I just completed a construction project on the farm.  It was heavy duty, hard work, involving designing, planning and TONS of time spent setting and tightening thousands of bolts, each finished with a nut.  So yes, I learned about construction and safety but as we walked home after the last day of work, I looked back and had a BGO, a Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious:  there was so much more to the project than the project itself, as challenging and time-consuming as it was.
I looked up quotes on what we learn from completing something, and my favorite was "If you hear or read stories on how successful people achieve their extraordinary accomplishments, most of them always start by stating their secret: they follow their passion." by John Baskin  As you know, my passion is Flamig Farm.  I am honored by and rewarded by my opportunity to be a part of its present and its future.  What's your passion?  Perhaps the following will help you live it.
  • Walk your own path.
  • Don't hesitate when you should act.
  • Experience what you have learned.
  • Good things don't come easy.
  • Never fail to try more.
  • Make every moment count.
All the best to you.  Can't wait to see you on the Farm soon; our season opens March 28!

               TWO ANNOUNCEMENTS!

Announcement #1
Melvin has joined us from Bloom Hill Farm in Bloomfield. He is simply THE nicest guy, and is looking forward to meeting you. Did you know that llamas are the camel's hippie cousins?  They communicate by humming. Come and listen for yourself. 
                    (The Farm opens March 28.)

Announcement #2

Flamig Farm was introduced to the holistic healing modality of Animal Reiki, and we have experienced first hand the amazing benefits of sharing this with our animals on the Farm.  

Our in-house Animal Reiki practioner and teacher, Kelly McCarthy, can be seen on the Farm at times with her students in meditation working with the animals. Please feel free to ask them questions about Animal Reiki and how it helps increase healing and relaxation.

Fun, unusual, valuable things are ALWAYS happening at Flamig Farm!
Nevin's Noodlings
Most people tend to follow the mindset, “I’ll believe it when I see it." A more enlightened way of thinking is “I’ll see it when I believe it."  Napoleon Hill wrote, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive, and bring itself to believe, it can achieve."  Think about that for a moment. Whatever we can envision and focus on enough to see it becoming real in our minds, we can create.
I hardly ever watch the “normal” news any more. The Law of Attraction says “Whatever you focus on you get.  What you really really don’t want, you get.   And whatever you really, really do want, you get.”  So I don’t want to focus on all the “bad” things that are happening in the world. And I know that for every “bad” thing that is being shown to us there are thousands or millions of wonderful people doing great things that will ultimately make our world evolve into a peaceful amazing place with enlightened beings taking care of our home and all its inhabitants, both animals and plants.
Nature never ceases to blow my mind. We are just beginning to (scientifically) understand the magical complexity of the life beneath the surface of our soil. Unfortunately our agricultural system, since the dawn of agriculture has had a degenerative effect on our soil and can no longer go in the direction it is going in. If we now try to set a course for “sustainable “ agriculture we will be setting a course to maintain the status quo of degenerated soils that produce non nutritious food that doesn’t promote health.
We need to switch to “REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE” that rebuilds our soils by sequestering carbon, aids in water absorption and gets things back in balance so we can thrive right here on our beautiful planet Earth. Farmers are doing it right now and they are making money, producing nutritious food, and creating a better environment for all species. It works! We just need to get the word out.
I suggest you google I’m taking a “Soil Advocate” training course with them. The plan is to train 25,000 Soil Advocates to help spread the word about this Movement.
I don’t know how a cell phone works. I don’t care really. Scientists can explain it and we all believe they work. I don’t know how mycorrhizal fungi scrounge through the earth to find phosphorous and nitrogen and trade it for just a little bit of sugars that plants leak out of their roots so they can then “uptake” these important nutrients they need to grow.
There are scientists that can explain this so I don’t have to. Those same scientists know that if we convert our agricultural system to REGENERATIVE we can sequester 160 Giga tons (160 Billion Metric tons) of carbon into our soil per year . At that rate it will take only five years to get to a reasonable amount of carbon in the atmosphere to correct the imbalance that now exists.
Since I mentioned Regenerative Agriculture in the last newsletter I’ve already spoken to two groups at Healing Meals and have plans to talk at a couple libraries and some interest from someone at Northwest Connecticut Community College. We can do this!! Please get in touch if you know someone who needs to hear about this.
Keep your eyes and ears open for “Kiss The Ground” the movie coming sometime soon.

Farmer Nevin
Please remember, Summer Adventure Camp (ages 5-14), Fun on the Farm (ages 4-5), and Toddlers on the Farm (ages 2-3) are filling up quickly.  In fact many session are already full, and we don't want your young one to be left out!  Visit or call our office, 860.658.5070, for more information and to reserve a place while there is still room.
Before you go, DID YOU KNOW?
(This is a fun one.)
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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