Subject: Fall is Fun!

Dear Farm Friends,

Here we are already at the start of fall. Let's just start the season with three smiles:

1)What did the tree say to autumn? Please leaf me alone!

2)How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!

3)What did one autumn leaf say to another? I’m falling for you!

With love in our hearts for the beauty of the fall season and an invitation to come by Flamig Farm to enjoy it, we are your,

Farmers Julie, Nevin,Chadam and Pete


Educational possibilities on a farm are immense.

Our very special Toddler Program leaders are wonderful people who offer a variety of programs including Little Farmers Center, Toddlers on the Farm and

Fun on the Farm.

If you haven’t been to our website in a while and you have an interest in programs for kids age 2 to 5, we recommend you go check out the programs that we offer. You will find information at under Children’s Programs. 

Create joy, fun and new experiences for your family's little ones!

It’s amazing how things work out.

We are busy this fall with a wedding under our tent in the “back 40” Every weekend through mid October.   We have a six passenger electric golf cart that we us to transport people during the weddings. A couple of weeks ago a major electric component in the golf cart blew up. We needed the golf cart for the next wedding in a couple of days and did not know whether we would be able to get it fixed in time. The universe provided us with a beautiful used eight passenger gasoline powered golf cart that we bought to make sure we would be ready for the wedding.  And we were able to get the electric golf cart repaired within one day thanks to our dear friend Dave at Bennett’s Golf Carts in Morris CT who happened to have a new controller for that particular golf cart in stock.
The next two weddings we used both golf carts extensively for transporting people in the bridal party as well as guests.

We certainly did not have in our plans to spend the money to buy another golf cart but the universe, which is much wiser than we are, saw that we needed one and arranged the circumstances to make sure we got one.

The second of our four vehicles that we use a lot during the weddings is our beautiful old 1948 Chevy, five window cab,  pick up.  NEVIN has taught several people how to drive the truck which involves pushing the starter button, Which is on the floor near the gas pedal, with your right foot and being able to drive a four-speed which involves a clutch and a relatively antique manual transmission. 

We’ve had several fathers of the bride drive their daughters to the wedding ceremony and for the first time ever, a couple of weeks ago the bride drove the truck herself and did a great job at it!

Our third wedding transport is a 20 passenger, tractor-pulled trolley. And, maybe you'll never guess the fourth: Farmer Julie's beautiful horse, Hamish. He is such a good boy, he would have gladly walked down the aisle! Check out some fabulous photos below.

We are overjoyed that we are booked for weddings every weekend until November. Everyone seems to have a wonderful time at these outdoor weddings and amazingly often we are blessed with beautiful sunsets to top off the day.

You don't have to be a wedding guest to enjoy a fun event under our "back forty" tent.     

Read on.


Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

3:00PM- 7:00PM

Tim McDonald, Andy Sorenson, Mark Mercier,
Jay Wiggin, and Jon Peckman

$20 per Ticket & $25 at the door

Bring your own drinks, food, and chairs!



We did our very first Halloween hayride in 1988.
We sent a wagon with 20 people on it every half hour and the ticket price was five dollars. The first year I believe there were around 13 people in the woods doing various things to scare and entertain the passengers.   After 35 years, the show had grown to sending a wagon with 30 people on it every five minutes, And the volunteer cast in the woods had grown to around 100 people.

One year just before the show we got a cease and desist order because some incredibly imaginative person or company had “copyrighted” the amazingly brilliant and unique term of “Haunted Hayrides”.  We ignored the cease-and-desist order because we had always called ours Halloween hay rides,  And to try to avoid this problem in the future we started spelling Halloween with three e’s. (Halloweeen).

The show had become wildly popular and tickets would sell out well in advance. 
The complexity of the show demanded  untold hours of preparation to build the sets, make sure that eight tractors and wagons were ready to go with qualified drivers, staff were organized, make up was purchased and ready to be installed, food for staff and the public was organized,  and the parking lot was set up and parking crew was ready,  (Thank you Lions Club for your many years of help parking).

We had to make sure that Chains were removed from the chain saws,  The flying witch cable was adjusted properly, bungee spider ropes were replaced,  generators were serviced and running properly, sound systems were operating correctly and the staff was trained in the operation and timing of their various gigs. 

It seems that everybody is afraid of something so we tried to have an assortment of scares including chainsaws, spiders, snakes, flying witches, huge fiery pumpkins, lit up eyes in the woods to follow the wagons, ghosts, falling signs, headless horseman,  runaway cars,  scarecrows with Children of the corn,  Insane Asylums,  surgeons that used chainsaws,  and for one year only “Divorce Connecticut Style that involved a wood chipper and then cooked pasta being thrown at the wagon in the dark, the infamous “Glowing Lady”,  and who could have thought that Clowns could be so scary? 

The show was wonderful but by the time it was over we were all completely exhausted.
It did generate a good amount of money for us and there were several years when if we did not put on the Halloween hayrides we quite possibly might have gone out of business.

Huge thanks to everyone who came to have fun and work so hard at making the Halloween hayrides the success that they were.

2020 came along and the powers that be told us we could not put 30 people on a wagon and send them out to the woods.  (Perhaps if we fed them snack pretzels of peanuts on the ride, like in airplanes,  it wound have been OK.)

Julie came up with the idea of doing a Haunted Walk Through the petting zoo, aimed at a younger clientele.   We would need to limit the number of tickets per hour to create a 4 to 6 foot distance that would keep the visitors safe.

This is year number three of the walk-through and feedback from the last two years has been very positive. For us the expenditure of energy that was required for the hayrides is much less for the walk-through so the end of the season we are far less exhausted.

People often ask if we are going to bring back the Halloween hay rides.  We have no definite plans at this point but it would be possible if we could partner with a group that could perhaps provide and organize the show in the woods and we could provide the infrastructure including tractors and wagons to produce the show.

We have been incredibly blessed that the farm economy has been such that we have been able to get by without the Halloweeen Hayride income. 

Great big thank you to everyone for supporting us in the past and if you’re interested in the walk-through please get your tickets sooner than later because they are selling fast and they probably will sell out.


- $15 per person for kids (ages 3 and up) and adults. Strollers are not permitted
- This takes place on the petting zoo side of the road so you will see the animals. Some might be sleeping at night or might come to say hi
- Friday and Saturday nights from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
- October 21st and 22nd (rain date October 23)
- October 28th and 29th (rain date October 30)
A little scary, a lot of fun!

And lastly, here's your September EggsPress laugh:

Meet our real farm dog, Dude, when you visit. He's great.