Subject: Celebrate with Friends and Family

Dear Flamig Farm Friends,

Whatever your tradition is at the end of the year, we wish you joy and fellowship.  Another wonderful year on the Farm is coming to the end, and we want to join you in celebrating tradition and blessing.  So from our family to yours, we wish you all the best! 
Farmers Julie, Nevin, Pete and Chadam
PS Here's a suggestion for this magical time of year: close your eyes and imagine a space you want to be in. Take a breath, believe, open your eyes and smile. The magic of the season means your thought is available just around the corner!   
December 14,15, 21 and 22 
10 am – 1 pm
(weather permitting)


$10 Admission per person (under age 2 free)
• Visit with Santa and Mrs Claus. Bring your camera for great picture opportunities with The Grinch, Frosty Dominic the Donkey and elves.
• Trolley Ride out to Reindeer land. (Sorry the Reindeer are not real; bring your imagination.) 
• Visit our outdoor petting zoo and a free cup of grain to feed the animals

Breakfast Sandwiches, yummy Apple Cider Donuts & Hot drinks available for sale!

Our Eggroom Store will be open during Visits with Santa for purchases of Eggs, Honey and our “SGGE” clothing
to help you with your Christmas list.
...and we're building a brand new trolley
We’re preparing for our Visits with Santa activities that we are offering this month. We are building a brand new trolley to use to transport guests on a trip to “Reindeer Land” during the above Visit with Santa events. (More information is available at A crisp winter trolley ride while singing Christmas carols and seeing Rudolph, with his blinking red nose, fly up into the trees can’t help but make you smile and get you into the holiday spirit.

The new trolley is being constructed by a Master Carpenter friend of ours, Kristopher Gasner. He does spectacular work and the resulting piece of art that he is creating is exceeding our expectations beyond measure. Hope you can come for a ride with us in December.
Pete's Ponderings
Hey I hope all of you are as interested in protecting our planet as much as I am. A couple of EggsPress issues ago I shared some of the things my family and I try to do to have a gentler footprint on our ecosystems. Remember Americans alone discard more than 30 million (!!!) tons of used plastic a year. I keep reading and learning, and here are a few more simple things we all can do to reduce plastic waste. Please try them and encourage others to do the same.

--Forego plastic hand soap bottles in favor of old-fashioned bar soap.
--Store left-overs in a ceramic bowl and use a saucer or plate to cover it in the frig. That's what grandma did.
--Save glass jars from pickles and jams and use them to store left-over foods.

Kicking the plastic habit is hard but join me in adopting the NO PLASTIC PLEDGE:
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
(These ideas are from Dianna Cohen, co-founder and chief executive of the nonprofit organization, Plastic Pollution Coalition.)
Think Summer
It's hard to imagine already making summer plans for your child but we would just like to give you a friendly reminder that 2020 Camp registration is open on, and we are currently accepting applications.  Don't miss out or wait too long since we sell out every year.  Below is a list of some of our Camp activities that make this camp so much fun!

Feeding and caring for animals
• Organic gardening
• Gathering eggs
• Tractor/Horse drawn hay rides
• Pony and Horse rides
• Making a famous "EGGS" tie-dye shirt which is a special summer memento
• Hikes to mountainside streams, fields and mulch/compost piles
We offer seven one-week sessions in June, July, and August for children age 5 through 14 from 9AM to 1PM Monday through Friday. Snack and lunch are provided.
Where do the birds go in winter?
Birds are migratory marvels.  Here are four examples.
  1. 78.5 MILLION. Body lengths traveled by a Rufous Hummingbird between Alaska and its winter range in Mexico.
  2. 12 MILLION. Estimated number of birds detected by radar passing over Cape Cod, Massachusetts on a single autumn night.
  3. 720,000. Miles to the gallon used by a Blackpoll Warbler on migration if it burned gasoline instead of body fat.
  4. 22,000. Miles traveled by an Artic Term during its annual round trip between northern breeding grounds and Antartic seas.
(Credit Cornell Ornithology Institute).
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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