Subject: Back to School? Not yet!

EggsPress Aug 2016
Back to school?  Not yet!
Hello Farm Friends:

Greetings from Julie and me and everyone at Flamig Farm, including the animals.  I include the animals in my message this month to our readers because, in my opinion, animals are capable not only of greeting you but of many other amazing things.  

This newsletter is dedicated to all our farm animals who bring joy and share humor with our guests and who, as fellow passengers on our beautiful earth, are capable of much more than most of us humans can imagine.  Please read on.

You, your families and friends are invited to the the Farm this month, and we hope you come visit us soon.
Farmer Nevin 
Smarter than the average...
According to an article in the New York Times Science Section, published last month and quoted here, a new study challenges our idea of what it means to be a 'bird brain.' Edward Wasserman from the University of Iowa who reviewed the study says birds are extremely intelligent and our problem pretty much lies in figuring out how to get them to "talk to us or tell us how smart they really are."

Researchers (zoologists) from the University of Oxford showed for the first time that non humans (in this case ducklings) can learn relationships between concepts without training. These researchers first exposed day old ducklings to certain objects. Then they exposed them to a similar but different set of objects. Later, when given a choice between objects, 70% of ducklings gather around the first set of objects. What does this mean? Well ducklings go through a rapid learning process called 'imprinting' shortly after birth--it's what allows them to identify and follow their mothers. The study findings suggest that ducklings use abstract relationships between sensory imports like color, shape (represented by the test objects) to recognize their mothers. The study strongly implies that animals consider context when identifying objects in their environment!

How exciting that this study, according to Dr. Wasserman, makes clear that "animals process and appreciate far more of the intricacies in their world than we've ever understood."

Meet Rhea, our wonderful EMU.
The emu is Australia's largest bird, standing about 6 feet tall and weighing up to 120 pounds.  Emus cannot fly, but they are fast runners - up to 30 mile per hour.  (Look out Usain Bolt!)  Some scientists consider emus to be living dinosaurs because their bones and joints are similar to dinosaurs.  Their ability to store fat allows them to go without food for long periods of time, but of course, Rhea eats regularly on the Farm.  In the wild she would eat great quantities of caterpillars and grasshoppers, and while she finds those occasionally on the Farm, we supplement Rhea's diet with a variety of healthy grains and treats.

In her native land, Rhea would spend lots of time in the sunshine.  So at Flamig Farm, we are building her a new enclosure that will give her even more sun and grass along with her comfortable enclosure.  We are also searching for a partner for her. Come visit our very own dinosaur...I mean, emu.  And soon, we may have baby emus for you to meet.
It's picnic season!
It's nice to be reminded by our zany alpacas that August (and upcoming Labor Day) are great times to enjoy a picnic with family and friends.  If your yard needs a sturdy, carefully-handmade picnic table at a very reasonable price, please call the Farm to reserve one of a very limited supply.  Our tables are made from weather -resistant wood and are handsomely finished.
Non-GMO pork now available at the Farm!
Say 'yes' to a meal that is good for you and the environment.  Please stop by the Farm office and ask about our just-in delivery of non-GMO pork.  The meat comes from farm-raised pigs that were fed only healthy, natural food, never genetically modified grains or antibiotics.  This is food the way it was meant to be.  Supplies are limited.
"Always in our thoughts; forever in our hearts."
You probably have already heard that our frequent visitors and fans encouraged us to install a paved stroller/wheelchair walkway on the Farm. Well, it's happening. For a very limited time, you have the opportunity to become a permanent member of the Farm by purchasing a paver. To learn more, please visit Your paver will memorialize and preserve your love and admiration for a favorite pet, a beloved family member or even a special event in your life.
Even though there is still a lot of summer left at Flamig Farm, we are planning for our big fall event, our famous Halloweeen Hay Rides.  (We spell it with three es because we always elicit "eeeks" of surprise from our guests.)  The Hay Rides will take place the last two weekends in October, 21 and 22 and 28 and 29.  (The Sunday of each of those weekends is a rain date.)  These are evening rides, not suitable for kids under 8; even though everyone is perfectly safe, our cast members and props can be quite scary.

To make reservations and learn more, please visit
We welcome hearing from you any time. To check in, please visit our website,, or call us at 860.658.5070.
Flamig Farm, 7 Shingle Mill Road, West Simsbury, CT 06092, United States
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