Subject: You're lost aren't ya?

You're lost aren't ya?

June 7th, 2024 at 11:11 am BST

Where you going? You're lost, aren't you? It amazes me how most people go through life with no goal or plan of how to get there. They stumble from one job to the next, waiting for the weekend or there one holiday for the year. Then re-live that cycle ...

Choose the right hard

June 6th, 2024 at 9:26 am BST

None of it is easy. It's all hard. But it is simple. Just choose the right hard. Marriage is hard.Divorce is hard.Choose your hard. Being fat is hard.Being fit is hard.Choose your hard. Having debt is hard.Being financially disciplined is hard.Choose ...

How I made my first 50 quid online

June 5th, 2024 at 11:41 am BST

50 Quid is £50 if you're not a UK resident you may not know. Anyway, I made it with semi-digital marketing. I’ll explain exactly how I did it in this email and what I’d do differently today. Feel free to steal the blueprint. As a broke teen, I w ...

This loophole was going to make me rich.

June 4th, 2024 at 7:50 am BST

I was clicking every waking minute like a maniac. I was telling friends and family to click. I just knew the money was rolling in. I was about to be rich. I was on my way to becoming a millionaire. Well, that's what I thought... But boy did things tu ...

Rat shit can do what?

June 3rd, 2024 at 1:01 pm BST

A single rat dropping can ruin a pot of porridge. I love the above metaphor. It's the same as: one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch But I prefer the rat one. Why? Because of the image, it paints in your mind. In your mind's eye, you can see a r ...