Subject: F@#K it. Bite the bullet

F@#K it. Bite the bullet

April 27th, 2022 at 9:58 am BST

Sometimes you just have to say F@#K it and bite the bullet. I saw a quote sometime back... Money loves speed.Wealth loves time.Poverty loves indecision. It's definitely something to ponder on. What have you been indecisive about, what do you keep f ...

You're already brainwashed! Here's why...

April 22nd, 2022 at 3:34 pm BST

Everyone is brainwashed! You're influenced by something or someone. We all build our mindset using information from the podcasts we listen to, the shows we watch, the music we listen to, the books we read, the stories we hear, and the people we follo ...

You're disrespectful and don't even know it

April 12th, 2022 at 11:47 am BST

I'm disappointed in you! Why are you so disrespectful? It's disrespectful to YOURSELF not to chase your ambitions. Your gut is telling you what you truly want and you're rejecting it. And you know why you're rejecting it?... It's FEAR! The acronym F. ...

Why you should try solopreneurship

April 11th, 2022 at 10:14 am BST

More people should try solopreneurship. It's not as risky as you think. - Worst case scenario is that you go back to work.- Likely best-case scenario is that you unlock a better life. It's actually riskier never to try. And the best part is, you don' ...

Where dreams go to get killed

April 8th, 2022 at 9:39 am BST

I hate this place. I'm always trying my best to break free from it, but it's so hard sometimes. If you're honest with yourself you're probably right here too without even knowing it. It's warm, it's cozy, it feels safe, and you feel secure here. But ...

What does your dream life look like?

April 7th, 2022 at 9:20 am BST

I'm going to make this quick. Not for any particular reason other than I just had a coffee and I really need a (as my son would say) poo-poos. Oh, wait... Nope, I can't hold it, I'm going to have to take you with me. One moment... ... OK, I've sat do ...

Imagine you got fired today. What would you do?

April 6th, 2022 at 7:45 am BST

No seriously, think about it. What if your company lost a huge supplier or contract and people had to be let go? What happens if you're one of the unfortunate few? Or, Karen from accounts has a vendetta against you and frames you for a corporate crim ...

Yep! That's a nugget of shyt on the floor 🤢

April 5th, 2022 at 10:07 am BST

The subject line explains entrepreneurial parenthood to a Tee. I sat down to write this email, then suddenly my 2-year-old goes quiet. I look over. He's no longer playing with his toys, his body's gone rigid and has a deer in the headlights look on h ...

How to fire your boss

April 4th, 2022 at 3:29 pm BST

It's pretty simple. You just need to go through a few steps...Write down your current gross monthly income from your day job.Add a 30% buffer to that number.Divide that number by 30 to get your daily income target.Come on actually do it so you have t ...