Subject: How much for a light saber?

How much for a light saber?

March 21st, 2022 at 2:09 pm BST

Every so often I like to look up case studies of how different online biz'nises make the green stuff, the moolah, the gwop etc. Today I came across a website selling lightsabers. Yes, the things from Star Wars that could slice you in half. They make ...

He's rytch as fhook

March 3rd, 2022 at 1:09 pm BST

Let's just take a moment to appreciate how cool the subject line of this email is. It has enough curiosity elements to convince you to open and read it. There are also intentional misspellings to not trigger the email filters but still, the message i ...

What are you waiting for?

March 2nd, 2022 at 6:50 am BST

Sometimes you just need to get moving. Confession time… This email is probably more for me than it is for you, but if it relates then take it on board. Sometimes I can be a bit of a perfectionist. Trying to cross all my T’s and dot all my I’s b ...

This might offend you but I’m NOT sorry

March 1st, 2022 at 1:11 pm BST

I’m going to be frank with you... How long have you been trying to make this internet Marketing “thing” work? Too long right? Well if you’re not creating, launching products or affiliate campaigns, and actively driving traffic then you don’ ...